PHP Class Gdn_Validation, vanilla

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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_FieldRules An associative array of $FieldName => array($RuleName1, $RuleNameN) rules to be applied to fields. These are rules that have been explicitly called with {@link Gdn_Validation::ApplyRule()}.
$_ResetOnValidate Whether or not to reset the validation results on validate.
$_Rules The collection of validation rules in the format of $RuleName => $Rule. This list can be added to with $this->AddRule($RuleName, $Rule).
$_Schema The schema being used to generate validation rules.
$_SchemaRules An associative array of $FieldName => array($RuleName1, $RuleNameN) rules to be applied to fields. These are rules that come from the current schema that have been applied by {@link Gdn_Validation::ApplyRulesBySchema()}.
$_ValidationFields An associative array of fieldname => value pairs that are being validated. In order for a field to become a part of this collection, it must either be present in the defined schema, or have a rule defined in $this->_FieldRules.
$_ValidationResults An array of FieldName => Reason arrays that describe which fields failed validation and which functions/regex caused them to fail.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Gdn_Schema | array $Schema = false, $ResetOnValidate = false ) Class constructor. Optionally takes a schema definition to generate validation rules for.
addRule ( string $RuleName, string $Rule ) Adds to the rules collection ($this->_Rules).
addValidationResult ( string $FieldName, string $ErrorCode = '' ) Add a validation result (error) to the validation.
applyRule ( string $FieldName, mixed $RuleName, mixed $CustomError = '' ) Applies a $RuleName to a $FieldName. You can apply as many rules to a field as you like.
applySchema ( array $Schema ) Allows the explicit definition of a schema to use.
getSchemaRules ( ) : array Get all of the rules as defined by the schema.
reset ( ) Reset the validation results to an empty array.
resetOnValidate ( ) : boolean Whether or not the validation results etc should reset whenever {@link Validate()} is called.
results ( boolean $Reset = false ) : array Returns the $this->_ValidationResults array. You must use this method because the array is read-only outside this object.
resultsArray ( ) : array Get the validation results as an array of error messages.
resultsAsArray ( array $results ) : array Expand the validation results into a single-dimension array.
resultsAsText ( array $results ) : string Format an array of validation results as a string.
resultsText ( ) : string Get the validation results as a string of text.
schemaValidationFields ( ) : array Returns an array of field names that are in both $this->_ValidationFields AND $this->_Schema.
setResetOnValidate ( boolean $ResetOnValidate ) : Gdn_Validation Set whether or not the validation results etc should reset whenever {@link Validate()} is called.
setSchema ( Gdn_Schema | array $Schema ) : Gdn_Validation Set the schema for this validation.
setSchemaProperty ( string $FieldName, string $PropertyName, mixed $Value ) Allows you to explicitly set a field property on $this->_Schema. Can be useful when adding rules to fields (ie. a maxlength property on a db's text field).
unapplyRule ( $FieldName, boolean $RuleName = false ) Remove a validation rule that was added with {@link Gdn_Validation::ApplyRule()}.
validate ( array $PostedFields, boolean $Insert = false ) : boolean Examines the posted fields, defines $this->_ValidationFields, and enforces the $this->Rules collection on them.
validateRule ( mixed $Value, string $FieldName, string | array $Rule, string $CustomError = false ) : boolean | string Execute a single validation rule and return its result.
validationFields ( ) : array Returns the an array of fieldnames that are being validated.

Protected Methods

Method Description
addValidationField ( string $FieldName, array $PostedFields ) Adds a fieldname to the $this->_ValidationFields collection.
applyRuleTo ( array &$Array, string $FieldName, string $RuleName, string $CustomError = '' ) Apply a rule to the given rules array.
applyRulesBySchema ( ) Examine the current schema and fill {@link Gdn_Validation::$_SchemaRules}.
defineValidationFields ( array $PostedFields, boolean $Insert = false ) : array Fills $this->_ValidationFields with field names that exist in the $PostedFields collection.
defineValidationRules ( array $PostedFields, boolean $Insert = false ) : array Get all of the validation rules that apply to a given set of data.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Class constructor. Optionally takes a schema definition to generate validation rules for.
public __construct ( Gdn_Schema | array $Schema = false, $ResetOnValidate = false )
$Schema Gdn_Schema | array A schema object to generate validation rules for.

addRule() public method

If $RuleName already exists, this method will overwrite the existing rule. There are some special cases: 1. If the $Rule begins with "function:", when the rule is evaluated on a field, it will strip the "function:" from the $Rule and execute the remaining string name as a function with the field value passed as the first parameter and the related field properties as the second parameter. ie. "function:MySpecialValidation" will evaluate as MySpecialValidation($FieldValue, $FieldProperties). Any function defined in this way is expected to return boolean TRUE or FALSE. 2. If $Rule begins with "regex:", when the rule is evaluated on a field, it will strip the "regex:" from $Rule and use the remaining string as a regular expression rule. If a match between the regex rule and the field value is made, it will validate as TRUE. 3. Predefined $RuleNames are: RuleName Rule ======================================================================== Required Will not accept a null or empty value. Email Will validate against an email regex. Date Will only accept valid date values in a variety of formats. Integer Will only accept an integer. Boolean Will only accept 1 or 0. Decimal Will only accept a decimal. Time Will only accept a time in HH:MM:SS or HH:MM format. Timestamp Will only accept a valid timestamp. Length Will not accept a value longer than $Schema[$Field]->Length. Enum Will only accept one of the values in the $Schema[$Field]->Enum array.
public addRule ( string $RuleName, string $Rule )
$RuleName string The name of the rule to be added.
$Rule string The rule to be added. These are in the format of "function:FunctionName" or "regex:/regex/". Any function defined here must be included before the rule is enforced or the application will cause a fatal error.

addValidationField() protected method

Adds a fieldname to the $this->_ValidationFields collection.
protected addValidationField ( string $FieldName, array $PostedFields )
$FieldName string The name of the field to add to the $this->_ValidationFields collection.
$PostedFields array The associative array collection of field names to examine for the value of $FieldName.

addValidationResult() public method

Add a validation result (error) to the validation.
public addValidationResult ( string $FieldName, string $ErrorCode = '' )
$FieldName string The name of the form field that has the error.
$ErrorCode string The translation code of the error. Codes that begin with an '@' symbol are treated as literals and not translated.

applyRule() public method

Applies a $RuleName to a $FieldName. You can apply as many rules to a field as you like.
public applyRule ( string $FieldName, mixed $RuleName, mixed $CustomError = '' )
$FieldName string The name of the field to apply rules to.
$RuleName mixed The rule name (or array of rule names) to apply to the field.
$CustomError mixed A custom error message you might want to apply to a field if the rule causes an error to be caught.

applyRuleTo() protected method

Apply a rule to the given rules array.
protected applyRuleTo ( array &$Array, string $FieldName, string $RuleName, string $CustomError = '' )
$Array array The rules array to apply the rule to. This should be either `$this->_FieldRules` or `$this->_SchemaRules`.
$FieldName string The name of the field that the rule applies to.
$RuleName string The name of the rule.
$CustomError string A custom error string when the rule is broken.

applyRulesBySchema() protected method

The {@link Gdn_Validation::$_SchemaRules} are filled with rules based on the properties of each field in the table schema.
protected applyRulesBySchema ( )

applySchema() public method

Allows the explicit definition of a schema to use.
Deprecation: This method has been deprecated in favor of {@link Gdn_Validation::SetSchema()}.
public applySchema ( array $Schema )
$Schema array

defineValidationFields() protected method

Fills $this->_ValidationFields with field names that exist in the $PostedFields collection.
protected defineValidationFields ( array $PostedFields, boolean $Insert = false ) : array
$PostedFields array The associative array collection of field names to add.
$Insert boolean A boolean value indicating if the posted fields are to be inserted or updated. If being inserted, the schema's required field rules will be enforced.
return array Returns the subset of {@link $PostedFields} that will be validated.

defineValidationRules() protected method

Get all of the validation rules that apply to a given set of data.
protected defineValidationRules ( array $PostedFields, boolean $Insert = false ) : array
$PostedFields array The data that will be validated.
$Insert boolean Whether or not this is an insert.
return array Returns an array of `[$Field => [$Rules, ...]`.

getSchemaRules() public method

Get all of the rules as defined by the schema.
public getSchemaRules ( ) : array
return array Returns an array in the form `[$FieldName => [$Rules, ...]`.

reset() public method

Reset the validation results to an empty array.
public reset ( )

resetOnValidate() public method

Whether or not the validation results etc should reset whenever {@link Validate()} is called.
public resetOnValidate ( ) : boolean
return boolean Returns true if we reset or false otherwise.

results() public method

Returns the $this->_ValidationResults array. You must use this method because the array is read-only outside this object.
public results ( boolean $Reset = false ) : array
$Reset boolean Whether or not to clear the validation results.
return array Returns an array of validation results (errors).

resultsArray() public method

Get the validation results as an array of error messages.
public resultsArray ( ) : array
return array Returns an array of error messages or an empty array if there are no errors.

resultsAsArray() public static method

Expand the validation results into a single-dimension array.
public static resultsAsArray ( array $results ) : array
$results array The validation results to expand.
return array Returns an array of error messages.

resultsAsText() public static method

Format an array of validation results as a string.
public static resultsAsText ( array $results ) : string
$results array An array of validation results returned from {@link Gdn_Validation::Results()}.
return string Returns the validation results as a string.

resultsText() public method

Get the validation results as a string of text.
public resultsText ( ) : string
return string Returns the validation results.

schemaValidationFields() public method

Returns an array of field names that are in both $this->_ValidationFields AND $this->_Schema.
public schemaValidationFields ( ) : array
return array Returns an array of fields and values that were validated and in the schema.

setResetOnValidate() public method

Set whether or not the validation results etc should reset whenever {@link Validate()} is called.
public setResetOnValidate ( boolean $ResetOnValidate ) : Gdn_Validation
$ResetOnValidate boolean True to reset or false otherwise.
return Gdn_Validation Returns `$this` for fluent calls.

setSchema() public method

Set the schema for this validation.
public setSchema ( Gdn_Schema | array $Schema ) : Gdn_Validation
$Schema Gdn_Schema | array The new schema to set.
return Gdn_Validation Returns `$this` for fluent calls.

setSchemaProperty() public method

Allows you to explicitly set a field property on $this->_Schema. Can be useful when adding rules to fields (ie. a maxlength property on a db's text field).
public setSchemaProperty ( string $FieldName, string $PropertyName, mixed $Value )
$FieldName string The name of the field that we are setting a property for.
$PropertyName string The name of the property being set.
$Value mixed The value of the property to set.

unapplyRule() public method

Remove a validation rule that was added with {@link Gdn_Validation::ApplyRule()}.
public unapplyRule ( $FieldName, boolean $RuleName = false )
$RuleName boolean

validate() public method

Examines the posted fields, defines $this->_ValidationFields, and enforces the $this->Rules collection on them.
public validate ( array $PostedFields, boolean $Insert = false ) : boolean
$PostedFields array An associative array of posted fields to be validated.
$Insert boolean A boolean value indicating if the posted fields are to be inserted or updated. If being inserted, the schema's required field rules will be enforced.
return boolean Whether or not the validation was successful.

validateRule() public static method

Execute a single validation rule and return its result.
public static validateRule ( mixed $Value, string $FieldName, string | array $Rule, string $CustomError = false ) : boolean | string
$Value mixed The value to validate.
$FieldName string The name of the field to put into the error result.
$Rule string | array The rule to validate which can be one of the following. - string: The name of a function used to validate the value. - 'regex:': The regular expression used to validate the value. - array: An array with the following keys: - Name: The name of the function used to validate. - Args: An argument to pass to the function after the value.
$CustomError string A custom error message.
return boolean | string One of the following - TRUE: The value passed validation. - string: The error message associated with the error.

validationFields() public method

Returns the an array of fieldnames that are being validated.
public validationFields ( ) : array
return array

Property Details

$_FieldRules protected_oe property

An associative array of $FieldName => array($RuleName1, $RuleNameN) rules to be applied to fields. These are rules that have been explicitly called with {@link Gdn_Validation::ApplyRule()}.
protected $_FieldRules

$_ResetOnValidate protected_oe property

Whether or not to reset the validation results on validate.
protected $_ResetOnValidate

$_Rules protected_oe property

The collection of validation rules in the format of $RuleName => $Rule. This list can be added to with $this->AddRule($RuleName, $Rule).
protected $_Rules

$_Schema protected_oe property

The schema being used to generate validation rules.
protected $_Schema

$_SchemaRules protected_oe property

An associative array of $FieldName => array($RuleName1, $RuleNameN) rules to be applied to fields. These are rules that come from the current schema that have been applied by {@link Gdn_Validation::ApplyRulesBySchema()}.
protected $_SchemaRules

$_ValidationFields protected_oe property

An associative array of fieldname => value pairs that are being validated. In order for a field to become a part of this collection, it must either be present in the defined schema, or have a rule defined in $this->_FieldRules.
protected $_ValidationFields

$_ValidationResults protected_oe property

An array of FieldName => Reason arrays that describe which fields failed validation and which functions/regex caused them to fail.
protected $_ValidationResults