PHP Class Geo_Multimedia

Inheritance: extends DatabaseObject, implements IGeoMultimedia
Mostrar archivo Open project: sourcefabric/newscoop Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$m_columnNames array
$m_dbTableName string
$m_keyColumnNames array

Public Methods

Method Description
FindMedia ( string $p_type, string $p_spec, string $p_src, integer $p_width, integer $p_height, string $p_options ) : integer Looks whether a media are already in the database, for the COW work
GetByMapLocation ( IGeoMapLocation $p_mapLocation ) : array Get multimedia for map location
InsertMultimedia ( integer $ml_id, array $poi ) : void Inserts multimedia of a point
UpdateMedia ( string $poi, string $mm_type ) : void Updates media associated to a point
__construct ( mixed $arg = NULL )
getHeight ( ) : integer Get height
getSpec ( ) : string Get spec
getSrc ( ) : string Get src
getType ( ) : string Get type
getWidth ( ) : integer Get width

Method Details

FindMedia() public static method

Looks whether a media are already in the database, for the COW work
public static FindMedia ( string $p_type, string $p_spec, string $p_src, integer $p_width, integer $p_height, string $p_options ) : integer
$p_type string
$p_spec string
$p_src string
$p_width integer
$p_height integer
$p_options string
return integer

GetByMapLocation() public static method

Get multimedia for map location
public static GetByMapLocation ( IGeoMapLocation $p_mapLocation ) : array
$p_mapLocation IGeoMapLocation
return array of IGeoMultimedia

InsertMultimedia() public static method

Inserts multimedia of a point
public static InsertMultimedia ( integer $ml_id, array $poi ) : void
$ml_id integer
$poi array
return void

UpdateMedia() public static method

Updates media associated to a point
public static UpdateMedia ( string $poi, string $mm_type ) : void
$poi string
$mm_type string
return void

__construct() public method

public __construct ( mixed $arg = NULL )
$arg mixed

getHeight() public method

Get height
public getHeight ( ) : integer
return integer

getSpec() public method

Get spec
public getSpec ( ) : string
return string

getSrc() public method

Get src
public getSrc ( ) : string
return string

getType() public method

Get type
public getType ( ) : string
return string

getWidth() public method

Get width
public getWidth ( ) : integer
return integer

Property Details

$m_columnNames public_oe property

public array $m_columnNames
return array

$m_dbTableName public_oe property

public string $m_dbTableName
return string

$m_keyColumnNames public_oe property

public array $m_keyColumnNames
return array