PHP Class Give_API_Request_Log_Table, Give

Renders the gateway errors list table
Since: 1.0
Inheritance: extends WP_List_Table
Mostrar archivo Open project: wordimpress/give Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$per_page integer Number of items per page

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ) Get things started
bulk_actions ( $which = '' ) : void Outputs the log views
column_default ( array $item, string $column_name ) : string This function renders most of the columns in the list table.
column_details ( array $item ) : void Output Error Message column
get_columns ( ) : array Retrieve the table columns
get_logs ( ) : array Gets the log entries for the current view
get_meta_query ( ) : array Gets the meta query for the log query
get_paged ( ) : integer Retrieve the current page number
get_search ( ) : mixed Retrieves the search query string
prepare_items ( ) : void Setup the final data for the table
search_box ( string $text, string $input_id ) : void Show the search field

Protected Methods

Method Description
display_tablenav ( string $which ) Display Tablenav (extended)

Method Details

__construct() public method

Get things started
See also: WP_List_Table::__construct()
Since: 1.0
public __construct ( )

bulk_actions() public method

Outputs the log views
Since: 1.0
public bulk_actions ( $which = '' ) : void
return void

column_default() public method

This function renders most of the columns in the list table.
Since: 1.0
public column_default ( array $item, string $column_name ) : string
$item array Contains all the data of the discount code
$column_name string The name of the column
return string Column Name

column_details() public method

Output Error Message column
Since: 1.0
public column_details ( array $item ) : void
$item array Contains all the data of the log
return void

display_tablenav() protected method

Display the table navigation above or below the table even when no items in the logs, so nav doesn't disappear
Since: 1.4.1
protected display_tablenav ( string $which )
$which string

get_columns() public method

Retrieve the table columns
Since: 1.0
public get_columns ( ) : array
return array $columns Array of all the list table columns

get_logs() public method

Gets the log entries for the current view
Since: 1.0
public get_logs ( ) : array
return array $logs_data Array of all the Log entires

get_meta_query() public method

This is used to return log entries that match our search query
Since: 1.0
public get_meta_query ( ) : array
return array $meta_query

get_paged() public method

Retrieve the current page number
Since: 1.0
public get_paged ( ) : integer
return integer Current page number

prepare_items() public method

Setup the final data for the table
Since: 1.0
public prepare_items ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

$per_page public_oe property

Number of items per page
Since: 1.0
public int $per_page
return integer