PHP Class HTMLPurifier_Token_Tag, yii

Inheritance: extends HTMLPurifier_Token
Mostrar archivo Open project: yiisoft/yii Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$attr Associative array of the tag's attributes.
$is_tag This allows us to check objects with !empty($obj->is_tag) without having to use a function call is_a().
$name The lower-case name of the tag, like 'a', 'b' or 'blockquote'.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $name, array $attr = [], integer $line = null, integer $col = null, array $armor = [] ) Non-overloaded constructor, which lower-cases passed tag name.
toNode ( )

Method Details

__construct() public method

Non-overloaded constructor, which lower-cases passed tag name.
public __construct ( string $name, array $attr = [], integer $line = null, integer $col = null, array $armor = [] )
$name string String name.
$attr array Associative array of attributes.
$line integer
$col integer
$armor array

toNode() public method

public toNode ( )

Property Details

$attr public_oe property

Associative array of the tag's attributes.
public $attr

$is_tag public_oe property

This allows us to check objects with !empty($obj->is_tag) without having to use a function call is_a().
public $is_tag

$name public_oe property

The lower-case name of the tag, like 'a', 'b' or 'blockquote'.
public $name