PHP Class Horde_Auth_Passwd, horde

Author: Rasmus Lerdorf ([email protected])
Author: Chuck Hagenbuch ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_Auth_Base
Mostrar archivo Open project: horde/horde

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_capabilities array An array of capabilities, so that the driver can report which operations it supports and which it doesn't.
$_exclude array List of users that should be excluded from being listed/handled in any way by this driver.
$_fplock resource Filehandle for lockfile.
$_groups array Array of groups and members.
$_locked boolean Locking state.
$_users array Hash list of users.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( array $params = [] ) Constructor.
__destruct ( ) Writes changes to passwd file and unlocks it. Takes no arguments and has no return value. Called on script shutdown.
addUser ( string $userId, array $credentials ) Add a set of authentication credentials.
hasCapability ( string $capability ) : boolean Queries the current Auth object to find out if it supports the given capability.
listUsers ( boolean $sort = false ) : array Lists all users in the system.
removeUser ( string $userId ) Delete a set of authentication credentials.
resetPassword ( string $userId ) : string Reset a user's password. Used for example when the user does not remember the existing password.
updateUser ( string $oldID, string $newID, array $credentials ) Update a set of authentication credentials.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_authenticate ( string $userId, array $credentials ) Find out if a set of login credentials are valid.
_comparePasswords ( string $encrypted, string $plaintext ) : boolean Compare an encrypted password to a plaintext string to see if they match.
_read ( ) Read and, if requested, lock the password file.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( array $params = [] )
$params array Connection parameters:
'encryption' - (string) The encryption to use to store the password in
               the table (e.g. plain, crypt, md5-hex, md5-base64, smd5,
               sha, ssha, aprmd5).
               DEFAULT: 'crypt-des'
'filename' - (string) [REQUIRED] The passwd file to use.
'lock' - (boolean) Should we lock the passwd file? The password file
         cannot be changed (add, edit, or delete users) unless this is
         DEFAULT: false
'show_encryption' - (boolean) Whether or not to prepend the encryption
                    in the password field.
                    DEFAULT: false

__destruct() public method

Writes changes to passwd file and unlocks it. Takes no arguments and has no return value. Called on script shutdown.
public __destruct ( )

_authenticate() protected method

Find out if a set of login credentials are valid.
protected _authenticate ( string $userId, array $credentials )
$userId string The userId to check.
$credentials array An array of login credentials.

_comparePasswords() protected method

Compare an encrypted password to a plaintext string to see if they match.
protected _comparePasswords ( string $encrypted, string $plaintext ) : boolean
$encrypted string The crypted password to compare against.
$plaintext string The plaintext password to verify.
return boolean True if matched, false otherwise.

_read() protected method

Read and, if requested, lock the password file.
protected _read ( )

addUser() public method

Add a set of authentication credentials.
public addUser ( string $userId, array $credentials )
$userId string The userId to add.
$credentials array The credentials to add.

hasCapability() public method

Queries the current Auth object to find out if it supports the given capability.
public hasCapability ( string $capability ) : boolean
$capability string The capability to test for.
return boolean Whether or not the capability is supported.

listUsers() public method

Lists all users in the system.
public listUsers ( boolean $sort = false ) : array
$sort boolean Sort the users?
return array The array of userIds.

removeUser() public method

Delete a set of authentication credentials.
public removeUser ( string $userId )
$userId string The userId to delete.

resetPassword() public method

Reset a user's password. Used for example when the user does not remember the existing password.
public resetPassword ( string $userId ) : string
$userId string The user id for which to reset the password.
return string The new password.

updateUser() public method

Update a set of authentication credentials.
public updateUser ( string $oldID, string $newID, array $credentials )
$oldID string The old userId.
$newID string The new userId.
$credentials array The new credentials

Property Details

$_capabilities protected_oe property

An array of capabilities, so that the driver can report which operations it supports and which it doesn't.
protected array $_capabilities
return array

$_exclude protected_oe property

List of users that should be excluded from being listed/handled in any way by this driver.
protected array $_exclude
return array

$_fplock protected_oe property

Filehandle for lockfile.
protected resource $_fplock
return resource

$_groups protected_oe property

Array of groups and members.
protected array $_groups
return array

$_locked protected_oe property

Locking state.
protected bool $_locked
return boolean

$_users protected_oe property

Hash list of users.
protected array $_users
return array