PHP Class Horde_Cli_Modular_Modules, horde

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Inheritance: implements IteratorAggregate, implements Countable
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Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( array $parameters = null ) Constructor.
count ( ) : integer Implementation of Countable count() method. Returns the number of modules.
getIterator ( )
listModules ( ) : array List the available modules.

Private Methods

Method Description
_initModules ( ) : null Initialize the list of module class names.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( array $parameters = null )
$parameters array Options for this instance.
 - directory: (string) The path to the directory that holds the modules.
 - exclude:   (array) Exclude these modules from the list.

count() public method

Implementation of Countable count() method. Returns the number of modules.
public count ( ) : integer
return integer Number of modules.

getIterator() public method

public getIterator ( )

listModules() public method

List the available modules.
public listModules ( ) : array
return array The list of modules.