PHP Class Horde_Compress_Tnef_MessageData, horde

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Author: Michael J Rubinsky ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_Compress_Tnef_Object
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$dateSent Horde_Date
$from string
$fromName string
$subject string

Public Methods

Method Description
setMapiAttribute ( integer $type, integer $name, $value ) Allow this object to set any MAPI attributes it needs to know about, ignore any it doesn't care about.
setTnefAttribute ( integer $attribute, mixed $value, integer $size ) Allow this object to set any TNEF attributes it needs to know about, ignore any it doesn't care about.

Method Details

setMapiAttribute() public method

Allow this object to set any MAPI attributes it needs to know about, ignore any it doesn't care about.
public setMapiAttribute ( integer $type, integer $name, $value )
$type integer The attribute type descriptor.
$name integer The attribute name descriptor.

setTnefAttribute() public method

Allow this object to set any TNEF attributes it needs to know about, ignore any it doesn't care about.
public setTnefAttribute ( integer $attribute, mixed $value, integer $size )
$attribute integer The attribute descriptor.
$value mixed The value from the MAPI stream.
$size integer The byte length of the data, as reported by the MAPI data.

Property Details

$dateSent public_oe property

public Horde_Date $dateSent
return Horde_Date

$from public_oe property

public string $from
return string

$fromName public_oe property

public string $fromName
return string

$subject public_oe property

public string $subject
return string