PHP Class Horde_Imap_Client_Data_BaseSubject, horde

Author: Timo Sirainen ([email protected])
Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
Mostrar archivo Open project: horde/horde

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_subject string The base subject.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $str, array $opts = [] ) : string Constructor.
__toString ( ) : string Return the "base subject" defined in RFC 5256 [2.1].

Protected Methods

Method Description
_removeBlob ( string $str, integer $i ) : boolean | integer Remove "[.
_removeBlobWhenNonempty ( &$str ) : boolean Remove "[.
_removeSubjFwdHdr ( &$str ) : boolean Remove a "[fwd: .
_removeSubjLeader ( &$str, boolean $keepblob = false ) : boolean Remove all prefix text of the subject that matches the subj-leader ABNF.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( string $str, array $opts = [] ) : string
$str string The subject string.
$opts array Additional options: - keepblob: (boolean) Don't remove any "blob" information (i.e. text leading text between square brackets) from string.
return string The cleaned up subject string.

__toString() public method

Return the "base subject" defined in RFC 5256 [2.1].
public __toString ( ) : string
return string The base subject.

_removeBlob() protected method

..]" text.
protected _removeBlob ( string $str, integer $i ) : boolean | integer
$str string The subject string.
$i integer Current position.
return boolean | integer False if blob was not found, otherwise the string position of the first non-blob char.

_removeBlobWhenNonempty() protected method

..]" text if it doesn't result in the subject becoming empty.
protected _removeBlobWhenNonempty ( &$str ) : boolean
return boolean True if string was altered.

_removeSubjFwdHdr() protected method

.. ]" string.
protected _removeSubjFwdHdr ( &$str ) : boolean
return boolean True if string was altered.

_removeSubjLeader() protected method

Remove all prefix text of the subject that matches the subj-leader ABNF.
protected _removeSubjLeader ( &$str, boolean $keepblob = false ) : boolean
$keepblob boolean Remove blob information?
return boolean True if string was altered.

Property Details

$_subject protected_oe property

The base subject.
protected string $_subject
return string