PHP Class Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Kolabgroupofnames, horde

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Inheritance: extends Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Groupofnames
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$init_attributes array A structure to initialize the attribute structure for this class.

Public Methods

Method Description
generateId ( array &$info ) : string | PEAR_Error Generates an ID for the given information.
getFilter ( ) : string Return the filter string to retrieve this object type.
getGroupAddresses ( $server, string $uid ) : array Get the mail addresses for the group of this object.
getSearchOperations ( ) : array Returns the set of search operations supported by this object type.
gidForMail ( $server, string $mail, integer $restrict ) : mixed Identify the GID for the first group found with the given mail.
memberOfGroupAddress ( $server, string $uid, string $mail ) : boolean Is the given UID member of the group with the given mail address?
prepareObjectInformation ( array &$info ) : NULL. Distill the server side object information to save.

Protected Methods

Method Description
derive ( string $attr ) : mixed Derive an attribute value.

Method Details

derive() protected method

Derive an attribute value.
protected derive ( string $attr ) : mixed
$attr string The attribute to derive.
return mixed The value of the attribute.

generateId() public method

Generates an ID for the given information.
public generateId ( array &$info ) : string | PEAR_Error
$info array The data of the object.
return string | PEAR_Error The ID.

getFilter() public static method

Return the filter string to retrieve this object type.
public static getFilter ( ) : string
return string The filter to retrieve this object type from the server database.

getGroupAddresses() public static method

Get the mail addresses for the group of this object.
public static getGroupAddresses ( $server, string $uid ) : array
$uid string The UID of the object to fetch.
return array An array of mail addresses.

getSearchOperations() public static method

Returns the set of search operations supported by this object type.
public static getSearchOperations ( ) : array
return array An array of supported search operations.

gidForMail() public static method

Identify the GID for the first group found with the given mail.
public static gidForMail ( $server, string $mail, integer $restrict ) : mixed
$mail string Search for groups with this mail address.
$restrict integer A Horde_Kolab_Server::RESULT_* result restriction.
return mixed The GID or false if there was no result.

memberOfGroupAddress() public static method

Is the given UID member of the group with the given mail address?
public static memberOfGroupAddress ( $server, string $uid, string $mail ) : boolean
$uid string UID of the user.
$mail string Search the group with this mail address.
return boolean True in case the user is in the group, false otherwise.

prepareObjectInformation() public method

Distill the server side object information to save.
public prepareObjectInformation ( array &$info ) : NULL.
$info array The information about the object.
return NULL.

Property Details

$init_attributes public_oe static_oe property

A structure to initialize the attribute structure for this class.
public static array $init_attributes
return array