PHP Class Horde_Mail_Autoconfig_Driver_Guess, horde

Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_Mail_Autoconfig_Driver
Mostrar archivo Open project: horde/horde

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$dns Net_DNS2_Resolver DNS resolver.
$priority Low priority: shot-in-the dark technique that has no formalized standard.

Public Methods

Method Description
mailSearch ( $domains, array $opts = [] )
msaSearch ( $domains, array $opts = [] )

Protected Methods

Method Description
_resolveHosts ( array $hosts ) : mixed Filter list by removing non-existent hosts.

Method Details

_resolveHosts() protected method

Filter list by removing non-existent hosts.
protected _resolveHosts ( array $hosts ) : mixed
$hosts array List of possible servers (objects).
return mixed Array of existing hosts, or false if none exist.

mailSearch() public method

public mailSearch ( $domains, array $opts = [] )
$opts array

msaSearch() public method

public msaSearch ( $domains, array $opts = [] )
$opts array

Property Details

$dns public_oe property

DNS resolver.
public Net_DNS2_Resolver $dns
return Net_DNS2_Resolver

$priority public_oe property

Low priority: shot-in-the dark technique that has no formalized standard.
public $priority