PHP Class Horde_Notification_Listener, horde

Copyright 2001-2016 Horde LLC ( See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see
Author: Chuck Hagenbuch ([email protected])
Mostrar archivo Open project: horde/horde

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_handles array Key is the type, value is the default class name of the Event type to use.
$_name string The base type of this listener.

Public Methods

Method Description
addType ( string $type, string $class ) Adds message type handler.
getName ( ) : string Return a unique identifier for this listener.
handles ( string $type ) : mixed Does this listener handle a certain type of message?
notify ( array $events, array $options = [] ) Outputs the status line, sends emails, pages, etc., if there are any messages on this listener's message stack.

Method Details

addType() public method

Adds message type handler.
public addType ( string $type, string $class )
$type string The type identifier.
$class string A classname.

getName() public method

Return a unique identifier for this listener.
public getName ( ) : string
return string Unique id.

handles() public method

Does this listener handle a certain type of message?
public handles ( string $type ) : mixed
$type string The message type in question.
return mixed False if this listener does not handle, the default event class if it does handle the type.

notify() abstract public method

Outputs the status line, sends emails, pages, etc., if there are any messages on this listener's message stack.
abstract public notify ( array $events, array $options = [] )
$events array The list of events to handle.
$options array An array of options.

Property Details

$_handles protected_oe property

Key is the type, value is the default class name of the Event type to use.
protected array $_handles
return array

$_name protected_oe property

The base type of this listener.
protected string $_name
return string