PHP Class Horde_Pgp_Keyserver, horde

Connects to a public key server via HKP (Horrowitz Keyserver Protocol).
Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_http Horde_Http_Client HTTP object.
$_keyserver string Keyserver hostname.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( array $params = [] ) Constructor.
get ( string $id ) : Horde_Pgp_Element_PublicKey Returns PGP public key data retrieved from a public keyserver.
getKeyByEmail ( string $address ) : Horde_Pgp_Element_PublicKey Returns the first matching key for an email address from a public keyserver.
put ( mixed $key ) Sends a PGP public key to a public keyserver.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_createUrl ( string $uri, array $params = [] ) : Horde_Url Create the URL for the keyserver.
_getKeyIdString ( $keyid )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( array $params = [] )
$params array Optional parameters:
  - http: (Horde_Http_Client) The HTTP client object to use.
  - keyserver: (string) The public PGP keyserver to use.

_createUrl() protected method

Create the URL for the keyserver.
protected _createUrl ( string $uri, array $params = [] ) : Horde_Url
$uri string Action URI.
$params array List of parameters to add to URL.
return Horde_Url Keyserver URL.

_getKeyIdString() protected method

protected _getKeyIdString ( $keyid )

get() public method

Returns PGP public key data retrieved from a public keyserver.
public get ( string $id ) : Horde_Pgp_Element_PublicKey
$id string The ID of the PGP key.
return Horde_Pgp_Element_PublicKey The PGP public key.

getKeyByEmail() public method

Returns the first matching key for an email address from a public keyserver.
public getKeyByEmail ( string $address ) : Horde_Pgp_Element_PublicKey
$address string The email address to search for.
return Horde_Pgp_Element_PublicKey The PGP public key.

put() public method

Sends a PGP public key to a public keyserver.
public put ( mixed $key )
$key mixed The PGP public key.

Property Details

$_http protected_oe property

HTTP object.
protected Horde_Http_Client $_http
return Horde_Http_Client

$_keyserver protected_oe property

Keyserver hostname.
protected string $_keyserver
return string