PHP Class Horde_Text_Filter_Linkurls, horde

Changes: - Require at least one slash after the protocol. Horde's other filters don't expect us to match mailto: as part of these filters, so don't. - Limit the URL protocol to 20 characters to avoid PCRE problems. - Allow "+" characters in URL protocols (like svn+ssh://). Parameters: - callback: (string) A callback function that the URL is passed through before being set as the href attribute. Must be a string with the function name, the function must take the original URL as the first and only parameter. DEFAULT: No callback - class: (string) The CSS class of the generated links. DEFAULT: none - encode: (boolean) Whether to escape special HTML characters in the URLs and finally "encode" the complete tag so that it can be decoded later with the decode() method. This is useful if you want to run htmlspecialchars() or similar *after* using this filter. DEFAULT: false - nofollow: (boolean) Whether to set the 'rel="nofollow"' attribute on links. DEFAULT: false - target: (string) The link target. DEFAULT: '_blank' Copyright 2003-2016 Horde LLC ( See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see
Author: Tyler Colbert ([email protected])
Author: Jan Schneider ([email protected])
Author: Chuck Hagenbuch ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_Text_Filter_Base
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$regex Link-finding regex

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_params array Filter parameters.

Public Methods

Method Description
callback ( $match )
decode ( string $text ) : string "Decodes" the text formerly encoded by using the "encode" parameter.
getPatterns ( ) : array Returns a hash with replace patterns.
getRegex ( ) : string Return the regex used to search for links.
initializeRegex ( ) Initialize the regex for this instance.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_parseurl ( string $url ) : mixed Handle multi-byte data since parse_url is not multibyte safe on all systems. Adapted from comments.

Method Details

_parseurl() protected method

See for description of parse_url issues.
protected _parseurl ( string $url ) : mixed
$url string The url to parse.
return mixed The parsed url.

callback() public method

public callback ( $match )

decode() public static method

"Decodes" the text formerly encoded by using the "encode" parameter.
public static decode ( string $text ) : string
$text string An encoded text.
return string The decoded text.

getPatterns() public method

Returns a hash with replace patterns.
public getPatterns ( ) : array
return array Patterns hash.

getRegex() public static method

Return the regex used to search for links.
public static getRegex ( ) : string
return string The regex string.

initializeRegex() public static method

Initialize the regex for this instance.
public static initializeRegex ( )

Property Details

$_params protected_oe property

Filter parameters.
protected array $_params
return array

$regex public_oe static_oe property

Link-finding regex
public static $regex