PHP Class Hylax_Driver, horde

Copyright 2003-2016 Horde LLC ( See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you did not receive this file, see
Author: Marko Djukic ([email protected])
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $params )
factory ( string $driver = null, array $params = null ) : Hylax_Driver Attempts to return a concrete Hylax_Driver instance based on $driver.
getFolder ( $folder, $path = null )
singleton ( string $driver = null, array $params = null ) : mixed Attempts to return a reference to a concrete Hylax_Driver instance based on $driver. It will only create a new instance if no Hylax_Driver instance with the same parameters currently exists.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( $params )

factory() public method

Attempts to return a concrete Hylax_Driver instance based on $driver.
public factory ( string $driver = null, array $params = null ) : Hylax_Driver
$driver string The type of concrete Hylax_Driver subclass to return.
$params array A hash containing any additional configuration or connection parameters a subclass might need.
return Hylax_Driver The newly created concrete Hylax_Driver instance, or false on error.

getFolder() public method

public getFolder ( $folder, $path = null )

singleton() public method

This should be used if multiple storage sources are required. This method must be invoked as: $var = &Hylax_Driver::singleton()
public singleton ( string $driver = null, array $params = null ) : mixed
$driver string The type of concrete Hylax_Driver subclass to return.
$params array A hash containing any additional configuration or connection parameters a subclass might need.
return mixed The created concrete Hylax_Driver instance, or false on error.

Property Details

$_params protected_oe property

protected $_params