PHP Class IMP_Dynamic_Base, horde

Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
Mostrar archivo Open project: horde/horde

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$indices IMP_Indices_Mailbox
$js_conf array
$js_context array
$js_text array
$title string
$vars Horde_Variables
$view Horde_View

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_pages array

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Horde_Variables $vars )
getEmptyView ( ) : Horde_View Return a View object.
render ( )
url ( array $opts = [] )

Protected Methods

Method Description
_addBaseVars ( ) Add base javascript variables to the page.
_init ( )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Horde_Variables $vars )
$vars Horde_Variables

_addBaseVars() protected method

Add base javascript variables to the page.
protected _addBaseVars ( )

_init() abstract protected method

abstract protected _init ( )

getEmptyView() public method

Return a View object.
public getEmptyView ( ) : Horde_View
return Horde_View View object.

render() public method

public render ( )

url() public static method

public static url ( array $opts = [] )
$opts array

Property Details

$_pages protected_oe property

protected array $_pages
return array

$indices public_oe property

public IMP_Indices_Mailbox $indices
return IMP_Indices_Mailbox

$js_conf public_oe property

public array $js_conf
return array

$js_context public_oe property

public array $js_context
return array

$js_text public_oe property

public array $js_text
return array

$title public_oe property

public string $title
return string

$vars public_oe property

public Horde_Variables $vars
return Horde_Variables

$view public_oe property

public Horde_View $view
return Horde_View