PHP Class IMP_Imap_PermanentFlags, horde

Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
Inheritance: implements IteratorAggregate
Mostrar archivo Open project: horde/horde

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_nocreate boolean Can new flags NOT be created?
$_noset array List of unsettable flags.
$_set array List of settable flags.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( array $permflags = [], array $flags = [] ) Constructor.
allowed ( string $flag ) : boolean Determines if the given flag is allowed to be changed permanently.
getIterator ( ) * IteratorAggregate method.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( array $permflags = [], array $flags = [] )
$permflags array List of permanent flags in mailbox.
$flags array List of flags in mailbox.

allowed() public method

Determines if the given flag is allowed to be changed permanently.
public allowed ( string $flag ) : boolean
$flag string The flag to query.
return boolean True if flag can be set permanently.

getIterator() public method

* IteratorAggregate method.
public getIterator ( )

Property Details

$_nocreate protected_oe property

Can new flags NOT be created?
protected bool $_nocreate
return boolean

$_noset protected_oe property

List of unsettable flags.
protected array $_noset
return array

$_set protected_oe property

List of settable flags.
protected array $_set
return array