PHP Class Kirki_Field_Editor, kirki

Inheritance: extends Kirki_Field
Mostrar archivo Open project: aristath/kirki

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $config_id = 'global', array $args = [] ) Constructor.
add_editor ( ) Adds the global textarea

Protected Methods

Method Description
set_sanitize_callback ( ) Sets the $sanitize_callback
set_type ( ) Sets the control type.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Since editor fields only work properly if there's a single tinyMCE instance We'll be adding a global editor using the add_editor method.
public __construct ( string $config_id = 'global', array $args = [] )
$config_id string The ID of the config we want to use. Defaults to "global". Configs are handled by the Kirki_Config class.
$args array The arguments of the field.

add_editor() public static method

Adds the global textarea
public static add_editor ( )

set_sanitize_callback() protected method

Sets the $sanitize_callback
protected set_sanitize_callback ( )

set_type() protected method

Sets the control type.
protected set_type ( )