PHP Class LaravelValetDriver

Inheritance: extends ValetDriver
Mostrar archivo Open project: cpriego/valet-ubuntu

Public Methods

Method Description
frontControllerPath ( string $sitePath, string $siteName, string $uri ) : string Get the fully resolved path to the application's front controller.
isStaticFile ( string $sitePath, string $siteName, string $uri ) : string | false Determine if the incoming request is for a static file.
serves ( string $sitePath, string $siteName, string $uri ) : boolean Determine if the driver serves the request.

Method Details

frontControllerPath() public method

Get the fully resolved path to the application's front controller.
public frontControllerPath ( string $sitePath, string $siteName, string $uri ) : string
$sitePath string
$siteName string
$uri string
return string

isStaticFile() public method

Determine if the incoming request is for a static file.
public isStaticFile ( string $sitePath, string $siteName, string $uri ) : string | false
$sitePath string
$siteName string
$uri string
return string | false

serves() public method

Determine if the driver serves the request.
public serves ( string $sitePath, string $siteName, string $uri ) : boolean
$sitePath string
$siteName string
$uri string
return boolean