PHP Class OJSPaymentManager, ojs

Inheritance: extends PaymentManager
Mostrar archivo Open project: pkp/ojs Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $request ) Constructor
acceptGiftPayments ( ) : boolean Determine whether gift payments are enabled.
acceptGiftSubscriptionPayments ( ) : boolean Determine whether gift subscription payments are enabled.
acceptSubscriptionPayments ( ) : boolean Determine whether subscription fees are enabled.
createCompletedPayment ( $queuedPayment, $payMethod ) : OJSCompletedPayment Create a completed payment from a queued payment.
createQueuedPayment ( $journalId, $type, $userId, $assocId, $amount, $currencyCode = null ) : QueuedPayment Create a queued payment.
donationEnabled ( ) : boolean Determine whether donations are enabled.
fastTrackEnabled ( ) : boolean Determine whether fast track fees are enabled.
fulfillQueuedPayment ( $request, &$queuedPayment, $payMethodPluginName = null ) : mixed Fulfill a queued payment.
getPaymentPlugin ( ) : PaymentPlugin Get the payment plugin.
isConfigured ( ) : boolean Determine whether the payment system is configured.
membershipEnabled ( ) : boolean Determine whether publication fees are enabled.
onlyPdfEnabled ( ) : boolean Determine whether PDF-only article purchase fees are enabled.
publicationEnabled ( ) : boolean Determine whether publication fees are enabled.
purchaseArticleEnabled ( ) : boolean Determine whether article purchase fees are enabled.
purchaseIssueEnabled ( ) : boolean Determine whether issue purchase fees are enabled.
submissionEnabled ( ) : boolean Determine whether submission fees are enabled.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( $request )
$request PKPRequest

acceptGiftPayments() public method

Determine whether gift payments are enabled.
public acceptGiftPayments ( ) : boolean
return boolean true iff this fee is enabled.

acceptGiftSubscriptionPayments() public method

Determine whether gift subscription payments are enabled.
public acceptGiftSubscriptionPayments ( ) : boolean
return boolean true iff this fee is enabled.

acceptSubscriptionPayments() public method

Determine whether subscription fees are enabled.
public acceptSubscriptionPayments ( ) : boolean
return boolean true iff this fee is enabled.

createCompletedPayment() public method

Create a completed payment from a queued payment.
public createCompletedPayment ( $queuedPayment, $payMethod ) : OJSCompletedPayment
$queuedPayment QueuedPayment Payment to complete.
$payMethod string Name of payment plugin used.
return OJSCompletedPayment

createQueuedPayment() public method

Create a queued payment.
public createQueuedPayment ( $journalId, $type, $userId, $assocId, $amount, $currencyCode = null ) : QueuedPayment
$journalId int ID of journal payment applies under
$type int PAYMENT_TYPE_...
$userId int ID of user responsible for payment
$assocId int ID of associated entity
$amount numeric Amount of currency $currencyCode
$currencyCode string optional ISO 4217 currency code
return QueuedPayment

donationEnabled() public method

Determine whether donations are enabled.
public donationEnabled ( ) : boolean
return boolean true iff this fee is enabled.

fastTrackEnabled() public method

Determine whether fast track fees are enabled.
public fastTrackEnabled ( ) : boolean
return boolean true iff this fee is enabled.

fulfillQueuedPayment() public method

Fulfill a queued payment.
public fulfillQueuedPayment ( $request, &$queuedPayment, $payMethodPluginName = null ) : mixed
$request PKPRequest
$queuedPayment QueuedPayment
$payMethodPluginName string Name of payment plugin.
return mixed Dependent on payment type.

getPaymentPlugin() public method

Get the payment plugin.
public getPaymentPlugin ( ) : PaymentPlugin
return PaymentPlugin

isConfigured() public method

Determine whether the payment system is configured.
public isConfigured ( ) : boolean
return boolean true iff configured

membershipEnabled() public method

Determine whether publication fees are enabled.
public membershipEnabled ( ) : boolean
return boolean true iff this fee is enabled.

onlyPdfEnabled() public method

Determine whether PDF-only article purchase fees are enabled.
public onlyPdfEnabled ( ) : boolean
return boolean true iff this fee is enabled.

publicationEnabled() public method

Determine whether publication fees are enabled.
public publicationEnabled ( ) : boolean
return boolean true iff this fee is enabled.

purchaseArticleEnabled() public method

Determine whether article purchase fees are enabled.
public purchaseArticleEnabled ( ) : boolean
return boolean true iff this fee is enabled.

purchaseIssueEnabled() public method

Determine whether issue purchase fees are enabled.
public purchaseIssueEnabled ( ) : boolean
return boolean true iff this fee is enabled.

submissionEnabled() public method

Determine whether submission fees are enabled.
public submissionEnabled ( ) : boolean
return boolean true iff this fee is enabled.