PHP Class SimplePie_gzdecode, ojs

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$MTIME Modified time
$OS Operating System
$SI1 Subfield ID 1
$SI2 Subfield ID 2
$XFL Extra Flags
$comment Human readable comment
$compressed_data Compressed data
$compressed_size Size of compressed data
$data Uncompressed data
$extra_field Extra field content
$filename Original filename
$flags Flags (FLG)
$min_compressed_size Minimum size of a valid gzip string
$position Current position of pointer

Public Methods

Method Description
SimplePie_gzdecode ( $data ) Set the compressed string and related properties
__set ( $name, $value ) Don't allow anything to be set
parse ( ) Decode the GZIP stream

Method Details

SimplePie_gzdecode() public method

Set the compressed string and related properties
public SimplePie_gzdecode ( $data )

__set() public method

Don't allow anything to be set
public __set ( $name, $value )

parse() public method

Decode the GZIP stream
public parse ( )

Property Details

$MTIME public_oe property

Modified time
public $MTIME

$OS public_oe property

Operating System
public $OS

$SI1 public_oe property

Subfield ID 1
See also: gzdecode::$extra_field
See also: gzdecode::$SI2
public $SI1

$SI2 public_oe property

Subfield ID 2
See also: gzdecode::$extra_field
See also: gzdecode::$SI1
public $SI2

$XFL public_oe property

Extra Flags
public $XFL

$comment public_oe property

Human readable comment
public $comment

$compressed_data public_oe property

Compressed data
See also: gzdecode::$data
public $compressed_data

$compressed_size public_oe property

Size of compressed data
public $compressed_size

$data public_oe property

Uncompressed data
See also: gzdecode::$compressed_data
public $data

$extra_field public_oe property

Extra field content
See also: gzdecode::$SI1
See also: gzdecode::$SI2
public $extra_field

$filename public_oe property

Original filename
public $filename

$flags public_oe property

Flags (FLG)
public $flags

$min_compressed_size public_oe property

Minimum size of a valid gzip string
public $min_compressed_size

$position public_oe property

Current position of pointer
public $position