PHP Class TI_Exceptions, TastyIgniter

Inheritance: extends CI_Exceptions
Mostrar archivo Open project: tastyigniter/tastyigniter

Public Methods

Method Description
show_error ( string $heading, string | string[] $message, string $template = 'error_general', integer $status_code = 500 ) : string General Error Page
show_exception ( $exception ) --------------------------------------------------------------------
show_php_error ( integer $severity, string $message, string $filepath, integer $line ) : string Native PHP error handler

Protected Methods

Method Description
getErrorViewsPath ( ) : mixed | string

Method Details

getErrorViewsPath() protected method

protected getErrorViewsPath ( ) : mixed | string
return mixed | string

show_error() public method

Takes an error message as input (either as a string or an array) and displays it using the specified template.
public show_error ( string $heading, string | string[] $message, string $template = 'error_general', integer $status_code = 500 ) : string
$heading string Page heading
$message string | string[] Error message
$template string Template name
$status_code integer (default: 500)
return string Error page output

show_exception() public method

public show_exception ( $exception )

show_php_error() public method

Native PHP error handler
public show_php_error ( integer $severity, string $message, string $filepath, integer $line ) : string
$severity integer Error level
$message string Error message
$filepath string File path
$line integer Line number
return string Error page output