PHP Class WebFeedBlockPlugin, ojs

Inheritance: extends BlockPlugin
Mostrar archivo Open project: pkp/ojs Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$parentPluginName Name of parent plugin

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $parentPluginName )
getContents ( $templateMgr, $request = null ) Get the HTML contents for this block.
getDescription ( ) Get a description of the plugin.
getDisplayName ( ) : String Get the display name of this plugin.
getHideManagement ( ) Hide this plugin from the management interface (it's subsidiary)
getName ( ) : String Get the name of this plugin. The name must be unique within its category.
getPluginPath ( ) : string Override the builtin to get the correct plugin path.
getSupportedContexts ( ) : array Get the supported contexts (e.g. BLOCK_CONTEXT_.
getTemplatePath ( $inCore = false )
getWebFeedPlugin ( ) : WebFeedPlugin Get the web feed plugin

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( $parentPluginName )

getContents() public method

Get the HTML contents for this block.
public getContents ( $templateMgr, $request = null )
$templateMgr object
$request PKPRequest

getDescription() public method

Get a description of the plugin.
public getDescription ( )

getDisplayName() public method

Get the display name of this plugin.
public getDisplayName ( ) : String
return String

getHideManagement() public method

Hide this plugin from the management interface (it's subsidiary)
public getHideManagement ( )

getName() public method

Get the name of this plugin. The name must be unique within its category.
public getName ( ) : String
return String name of plugin

getPluginPath() public method

Override the builtin to get the correct plugin path.
public getPluginPath ( ) : string
return string

getSupportedContexts() public method

..) for this block.
public getSupportedContexts ( ) : array
return array

getTemplatePath() public method

public getTemplatePath ( $inCore = false )

getWebFeedPlugin() public method

Get the web feed plugin
public getWebFeedPlugin ( ) : WebFeedPlugin
return WebFeedPlugin

Property Details

$parentPluginName public_oe property

Name of parent plugin
public $parentPluginName