PHP Class Zebra_Database

It supports {@link transactions} and provides ways for caching query results either by saving cached data on the disk, or by using {@link memcache}. Provides a comprehensive debugging interface with detailed information about the executed queries: execution time, returned/affected rows, excerpts of the found rows, error messages, etc. It also automatically {@link EXPLAIN}'s each SELECT query (so you don't miss those keys again!). It encourages developers to write maintainable code and provides a better default security layer by encouraging the use of prepared statements, where arguments are escaped automatically. The code is heavily commented and generates no warnings/errors/notices when PHP's error reporting level is set to E_ALL. Visit {@link} for more information. For more resources visit {@link}
Mostrar archivo Open project: stefangabos/zebra_database Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$affected_rows integer For the number of rows returned by SELECT queries see the {@link $returned_rows} property. update some columns in a table $db->update('table', array( 'column_1' => 'value 1', 'column_2' => 'value 2', ), 'id = ?', array($id)); print the number of affected rows echo $db->affected_rows;
$cache_path string The path must be relative to your working path and not the class' path!
$caching_method string Can be either: - disk - query results are cached as files on the disk at the path specified by {@link cache_path}. - session - query results are cached in the session (use this only for small data sets). Note that when using this method for caching results, the library expects an active session, or will trigger a fatal error otherwise! - memcache - query results are cached using a {@link memcache} server; when using this method make sure to also set the appropriate values for {@link memcache_host}, {@link memcache_port} and optionally {@link memcache_compressed}.
For using memcache as caching method, PHP must be compiled with the {@link memcache} extension and, if {@link memcache_compressed} property is set to TRUE, needs to be configured with --with-zlib[=DIR]. If caching method is set to "memcache", {@link memcache_host}, {@link memcache_port} and optionally {@link memcache_compressed} must be set prior to calling the {@link connect()} method! Failing to do so will disable caching. the host where memcache is listening for connections $db->memcache_host = 'localhost'; the port where memcache is listening for connections $db->memcache_port = 11211; for this to work, PHP needs to be configured with --with-zlib[=dir] ! set it to FALSE otherwise $db->memcache_compressed = true; cache queries using the memcache server $db->caching_method = 'memcache'; only now it is the time to connect $db->connect(...) Caching is done on a per-query basis by setting the "cache" argument when calling some of the library's methods like {@link query()}, {@link select()}, {@link dcount()}, {@link dlookup()}, {@link dmax()} and {@link dsum()}! Default is "disk".
$console_show_records integer show 50 records $db->console_show_records(50); Be aware that having this property set to a high number (hundreds), and having queries that returnthat many rows, can cause your script to crash due to memory limitations. In this case you should either lower the value of this property or try and set PHP's memory limit higher using: set PHP's memory limit to 20 MB ini_set('memory_limit','20M'); Default is 20.
$debug boolean Debugging information can later be reviewed by calling the {@link show_debug_console()} method. Don't forget to set this to FALSE on the production environment. Generating the debugging information consumes a lot of resources and is meant to be used *only* in the development process!. I recommend always calling the {@link show_debug_console()} method at the end of your scripts, and simply changing the value of the debug property to suit your needs, as {@link show_debug_console()} will not display anything if debug is FALSE. Remember that on a production server you will not be left in the dark by setting this property to FALSE, as the library will try to write any errors to PHP's error log file, if your environment is {@link configured to do so}! disable the generation of debugging information $db->debug = false; Default is TRUE.
$debugger_ip array An empty array would display the debugging console for everybody. show the debugging console only to specific IPs $db->debugger_ip = array('', 'yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy'); Default is an empty array.
$disable_warnings boolean The ensure that data is both properly saved and retrieved to and from the database, this method should be called first thing after connecting to the database. If you don't want to call this method nor do you want to see the warning, set this property to FALSE. Default is TRUE.
$found_rows integer If calc_rows is FALSE or is TRUE but there is no LIMIT applied to the query, this property's value will be the same as the value of the {@link returned_rows} property. let's assume that "table" has 100 rows but we're only selecting the first 10 of those the last argument of the method tells the library to get the total number of records in the table $db->query(' SELECT * FROM table WHERE something = ? LIMIT 10 ', array($somevalue), false, true); prints "10" as this is the number of records returned by the query echo $db->returned_rows; prints "100" because we set the "calc_rows" argument of the "query" method to TRUE echo $db->found_rows;
$halt_on_errors boolean don't stop execution for unsuccessful queries (if possible) $db->halt_on_errors = false; Default is TRUE.
$log_path string The path is relative to your working directory. Data is written to the log file when calling the {@link write_log()} method. At the given path the library will attempt to create a file named "log.txt". Remember to grant the appropriate rights to the script! IF YOU'RE LOGGING, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A CRON JOB OR SOMETHING THAT DELETES THE LOG FILE FROM TIME TO TIME! Remember that the library will try to write errors to the system log (if PHP is {@link configured so}) only when the {@link $debug debug} property is set to FALSE (as when the debug property is set to TRUE the error messages are reported in the debugging console);
$max_query_time integer If a query's execution time exceeds this number, a notification email will be automatically sent to the address defined by {@link notification_address}, having {@link notifier_domain} in subject. consider queries running for more than 5 seconds as slow and send email $db->max_query_time = 5; Default is 10.
$memcache_compressed boolean For this to work, PHP needs to be configured with --with-zlib[=DIR] ! Set this property only if you are using "memcache" as {@link caching_method}. Default is FALSE.
$memcache_host mixed Set this property only if you are using "memcache" as {@link caching_method}. Default is FALSE.
$memcache_key_prefix string Set this property only if you are using "memcache" as {@link caching_method}. Default is "" (an empty string).
$memcache_port mixed Set this property only if you are using "memcache" as {@link caching_method}. Default is FALSE.
$minimize_console boolean Clicking on it will show the full debugging console. For quick and easy debugging, setting the highlight argument of a method that has it will result in the debugging console being shown at full size and with the respective query visible for inspecting. Default is TRUE
$notification_address string the email address where to send an email when there are slow queries $db->notification_address = '[email protected]';
$notifier_domain string If a query's execution time exceeds the number of seconds set by {@link max_query_time}, a notification email will be automatically sent to the address defined by {@link notification_address} and having {@link notifier_domain} in subject. set a domain name so that you'll know where the email comes from $db->notifier_domain = '';
$resource_path string The path must be relative to your $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] and not the class' path!
$returned_rows integer See {@link found_rows} also. $db->query(' SELECT * FROM table WHERE something = ? LIMIT 10 ', array($somevalue)); prints "10" as this is the number of records returned by the query echo $db->returned_rows;

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ) : void Constructor of the class
__destruct ( ) Frees the memory associated with the last result.
close ( ) : boolean Closes the MySQL connection.
connect ( string $host, string $user, string $password, string $database, string $port = '', string $socket = '', boolean $connect = false ) : void Opens a connection to a MySQL Server and selects a database.
dcount ( string $column, string $table, string $where = '', array $replacements = '', mixed $cache = false, boolean $highlight = false ) : mixed Counts the values in a column of a table.
delete ( string $table, string $where = '', array $replacements = '', boolean $highlight = false ) : boolean Deletes rows from a table.
dlookup ( string $column, string $table, string $where = '', array $replacements = '', mixed $cache = false, boolean $highlight = false ) : mixed Returns one or more columns from ONE row of a table.
dmax ( string $column, string $table, string $where = '', array $replacements = '', mixed $cache = false, boolean $highlight = false ) : mixed Looks up the maximum value in a column of a table.
dsum ( string $column, string $table, string $where = '', array $replacements = '', mixed $cache = false, boolean $highlight = false ) : mixed Sums the values in a column of a table.
error ( ) : void Returns a string description of the last error, or an empty string if no error occurred.
escape ( string $string ) : string Escapes special characters in a string that's to be used in an SQL statement in order to prevent SQL injections.
fetch_assoc ( resource $resource = '' ) : mixed Returns an associative array that corresponds to the fetched row and moves the internal data pointer ahead. The data is taken from the resource created by the previous query or from the resource given as argument.
fetch_assoc_all ( string $index = '', resource $resource = '' ) : mixed Returns an associative array containing all the rows from the resource created by the previous query or from the resource given as argument and moves the internal pointer to the end.
fetch_obj ( resource $resource = '' ) : mixed Returns an object with properties that correspond to the fetched row and moves the internal data pointer ahead.
fetch_obj_all ( string $index = '', resource $resource = '' ) : mixed Returns an associative array containing all the rows (as objects) from the resource created by the previous query or from the resource given as argument and moves the internal pointer to the end.
free_result ( resource $resource ) : void Frees the memory associated with a result
get_columns ( resource $resource = '' ) : mixed Returns an array of associative arrays with information about the columns in the MySQL result associated with the specified result identifier.
get_link ( ) : identifier Returns the MySQL link identifier associated with the current connection to the MySQL server.
get_selected_database ( ) : mixed Returns the name of the currently selected database.
get_table_columns ( string $table ) : array Returns information about the columns of a given table, as an associative array.
get_table_status ( string $pattern = '' ) : array Returns an associative array with a lot of useful information on all or specific tables only.
get_tables ( ) : array Returns an array with all the tables in the current database.
halt ( ) : void Stops the execution of the script at the line where this method is called and, if {@link debug} is set to TRUE and the viewer's IP address is in the {@link debugger_ip} array (or debugger_ip is an empty array), shows the debugging console.
implode ( array $pieces ) : string Works similarly to PHP's implode() function with the difference that the "glue" is always the comma, and that this method {@link escape()}'s arguments.
insert ( string $table, array $columns, boolean $ignore = false, boolean $highlight = false ) : boolean Shorthand for INSERT queries.
insert_bulk ( string $table, array $columns, array $data, boolean $ignore = false, boolean $highlight = false ) : boolean Shorthand for inserting multiple rows in a single query.
insert_id ( ) : mixed Retrieves the ID generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the previous INSERT query.
insert_update ( string $table, array $columns, array $update = [], boolean $highlight = false ) : boolean When using this method, if a row is inserted that would cause a duplicate value in a UNIQUE index or PRIMARY KEY, an UPDATE of the old row is performed.
language ( string $language ) : void Sets the language to be used for the messages in the debugging console.
optimize ( ) : void Optimizes all tables that have overhead (unused, lost space)
parse_file ( string $path ) : boolean Parses a MySQL dump file (like an export from phpMyAdmin).
query ( string $sql, array $replacements = '', mixed $cache = false, boolean $calc_rows = false, boolean $highlight = false ) : mixed Runs a MySQL query.
seek ( integer $row, resource $resource = '' ) : boolean Moves the internal row pointer of the MySQL result associated with the specified result identifier to the specified row number.
select ( mixed $columns, string $table, string $where = '', array $replacements = '', string $order = '', mixed $limit = '', mixed $cache = false, boolean $calc_rows = false, boolean $highlight = false ) : mixed Shorthand for simple SELECT queries.
set_charset ( string $charset = 'utf8', string $collation = 'utf8_general_ci' ) : void Sets MySQL character set and collation.
show_debug_console ( boolean $return = false ) : void Shows the debugging console, if {@link debug} is TRUE and the viewer's IP address is in the {@link debugger_ip} array (or $debugger_ip is an empty array).
table_exists ( string $table ) : boolean Checks whether a table exists in the current database.
transaction_complete ( ) : boolean Ends a transaction which means that if all the queries since {@link transaction_start()} are valid, it writes the data to the database, but if any of the queries had an error, ignore all queries and treat them as if they never happened.
transaction_start ( boolean $test_only = false ) : boolean Starts the transaction system.
truncate ( string $table, boolean $highlight = false ) : boolean Shorthand for truncating tables.
update ( string $table, array $columns, string $where = '', array $replacements = '', boolean $highlight = false ) : boolean Shorthand for UPDATE queries.
write_log ( boolean $daily = false, boolean $hourly = false ) : void Writes debug information to a log.txt log file at {@link log_path} if {@link debug} is TRUE and the viewer's IP address is in the {@link debugger_ip} array (or $debugger_ip is an empty array).

Private Methods

Method Description
_build_columns ( $columns ) Given an associative array or a string with comma separated values where the values represent column names, this method will enclose column names in grave accents " ` " (thus, allowing seamless usage of reserved words as column names) and automatically {@link escape()} value.
_build_sql ( &$columns ) Given an associative array where the array's keys represent column names and the array's values represent the values to be associated with each respective column, this method will enclose column names in grave accents " ` " (thus, allowing seamless usage of reserved words as column names) and automatically {@link escape()} value.
_connected ( ) Checks if the connection to the MySQL server has been previously established by the connect() method.
_fix_pow ( $value ) PHP's microtime() will return elapsed time as something like 9.79900360107E-5 when the elapsed time is too short.
_is_mysql_function ( $value ) Checks if a string is in fact a MySQL function call (or a bunch of nested MySQL functions)
_is_result ( $value ) Checks is a value is a valid result set obtained from a query against the database
_log ( $category, $data, $fatal = true ) Handles saving of debug information and halts the execution of the script on fatal error or if the {@link halt_on_errors} property is set to TRUE

Method Details

__construct() public method

@return void
public __construct ( ) : void
return void

__destruct() public method

@since 2.8
public __destruct ( )

close() public method

@since 1.1.0
public close ( ) : boolean
return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.

connect() public method

Since the library is using lazy connection (it is not actually connecting to the database until the first query is executed), the object representing the connection to the MySQL server is not available at this time. If you need it, use the {@link get_link()} method. If you need the connection to the database to be made right away, set the connect argument to TRUE. create the database object $db = new Zebra_Database(); notice that we're not doing any error checking. errors will be shown in the debugging console $db->connect('host', 'username', 'password', 'database'); code goes here show the debugging console (if enabled) $db->show_debug_console();
public connect ( string $host, string $user, string $password, string $database, string $port = '', string $socket = '', boolean $connect = false ) : void
$host string The address of the MySQL server to connect to (i.e. localhost). Prepending host by p: opens a persistent connection. @param string $user The user name used for authentication when connecting to the MySQL server. @param string $password The password used for authentication when connecting to the MySQL server. @param string $database The database to be selected after the connection is established. @param string $port (Optional) The port number to attempt to connect to the MySQL server. Leave as empty string to use the default as returned by ini_get("mysqli.default_port"). @param string $socket (Optional) The socket or named pipe that should be used. Leave as empty string to use the default as returned by ini_get("mysqli.default_socket"). Specifying the socket parameter will not explicitly determine the type of connection to be used when connecting to the MySQL server. How the connection is made to the MySQL database is determined by the host argument. @param boolean $connect (Optional) Setting this argument to TRUE will force the library to connect to the database right away instead of using a "lazy connection" where the actual connection to the database will be made when the first query is run. Default is FALSE. @return void
$user string
$password string
$database string
$port string
$socket string
$connect boolean
return void

dcount() public method

count male users $male = $db->dcount('id', 'users', 'gender = "M"'); when working with variables you should use the following syntax this way you will stay clear of SQL injections $users = $db->dcount('id', 'users', 'gender = ?', array($gender));
public dcount ( string $column, string $table, string $where = '', array $replacements = '', mixed $cache = false, boolean $highlight = false ) : mixed
$column string Name of the column in which to do the counting. @param string $table Name of the table containing the column. @param string $where (Optional) A MySQL WHERE clause (without the WHERE keyword). Default is "" (an empty string). @param array $replacements (Optional) An array with as many items as the total parameter markers ("?", question marks) in $where. Each item will be automatically {@link escape()}-ed and will replace the corresponding "?". Can also include an array as an item, case in which each value from the array will automatically {@link escape()}-ed and then concatenated with the other elements from the array - useful when using WHERE column IN (?) conditions. See second example {@link query here}. Default is "" (an empty string). @param mixed $cache (Optional) Instructs the library on whether it should cache the query's results or not. Can be either FALSE - meaning no caching - or an integer representing the number of seconds after which the cache will be considered expired and the query executed again. The caching method is specified by the value of the {@link caching_method} property. Default is FALSE. @param boolean $highlight (Optional) If set to TRUE the debugging console will be opened automatically and the query will be shown - really useful for quick and easy debugging. Default is FALSE. @return mixed Returns the number of counted records or FALSE if no records matching the given criteria (if any) were found. It also returns FALSE if there are no records in the table or if there was an error. This method may return boolean FALSE but may also return a non-boolean value which evaluates to FALSE, such as 0. Use the === operator for testing the return value of this method.
$table string
$where string
$replacements array
$cache mixed
$highlight boolean
return mixed

delete() public method

delete male users $db->delete('users', 'gender = "M"'); when working with variables you should use the following syntax this way you will stay clear of SQL injections $db->delete('users', 'gender = ?', array($gender));
public delete ( string $table, string $where = '', array $replacements = '', boolean $highlight = false ) : boolean
$table string Table from which to delete. @param string $where (Optional) A MySQL WHERE clause (without the WHERE keyword). Default is "" (an empty string). @param array $replacements (Optional) An array with as many items as the total parameter markers ("?", question marks) in $where. Each item will be automatically {@link escape()}-ed and will replace the corresponding "?". Can also include an array as an item, case in which each value from the array will automatically {@link escape()}-ed and then concatenated with the other elements from the array - useful when using WHERE column IN (?) conditions. See second example {@link query here}. Default is "" (an empty string). @param boolean $highlight (Optional) If set to TRUE the debugging console will be opened automatically and the query will be shown - really useful for quick and easy debugging. Default is FALSE. @since 1.0.9 @return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on error.
$where string
$replacements array
$highlight boolean
return boolean

dlookup() public method

get name, surname and age of all male users $result = $db->dlookup('name, surname, age', 'users', 'gender = "M"'); when working with variables you should use the following syntax this way you will stay clear of SQL injections $result = $db->dlookup('name, surname, age', 'users', 'gender = ?', array($gender));
public dlookup ( string $column, string $table, string $where = '', array $replacements = '', mixed $cache = false, boolean $highlight = false ) : mixed
$column string One or more columns to return data from. If only one column is specified the returned result will be the specified column's value. If more columns are specified the returned result will be an associative array! You may use "*" (without the quotes) to return all the columns from the row. @param string $table Name of the table in which to search. @param string $where (Optional) A MySQL WHERE clause (without the WHERE keyword). Default is "" (an empty string). @param array $replacements (Optional) An array with as many items as the total parameter markers ("?", question marks) in $where. Each item will be automatically {@link escape()}-ed and will replace the corresponding "?". Can also include an array as an item, case in which each value from the array will automatically {@link escape()}-ed and then concatenated with the other elements from the array - useful when using WHERE column IN (?) conditions. See second example {@link query here}. Default is "" (an empty string). @param mixed $cache (Optional) Instructs the library on whether it should cache the query's results or not. Can be either FALSE - meaning no caching - or an integer representing the number of seconds after which the cache will be considered expired and the query executed again. The caching method is specified by the value of the {@link caching_method} property. Default is FALSE. @param boolean $highlight (Optional) If set to TRUE the debugging console will be opened automatically and the query will be shown - really useful for quick and easy debugging. Default is FALSE. @return mixed Found value/values or FALSE if no records matching the given criteria (if any) were found. It also returns FALSE if there are no records in the table or if there was an error.
$table string
$where string
$replacements array
$cache mixed
$highlight boolean
return mixed

dmax() public method

get the maximum age of male users $result = $db->dmax('age', 'users', 'gender = "M"'); when working with variables you should use the following syntax this way you will stay clear of SQL injections $result = $db->dmax('age', 'users', 'gender = ?', array($gender));
public dmax ( string $column, string $table, string $where = '', array $replacements = '', mixed $cache = false, boolean $highlight = false ) : mixed
$column string Name of the column in which to search. @param string $table Name of table in which to search. @param string $where (Optional) A MySQL WHERE clause (without the WHERE keyword). Default is "" (an empty string). @param array $replacements (Optional) An array with as many items as the total parameter markers ("?", question marks) in $where. Each item will be automatically {@link escape()}-ed and will replace the corresponding "?". Can also include an array as an item, case in which each value from the array will automatically {@link escape()}-ed and then concatenated with the other elements from the array - useful when using WHERE column IN (?) conditions. See second example {@link query here}. Default is "" (an empty string). @param mixed $cache (Optional) Instructs the library on whether it should cache the query's results or not. Can be either FALSE - meaning no caching - or an integer representing the number of seconds after which the cache will be considered expired and the query executed again. The caching method is specified by the value of the {@link caching_method} property. Default is FALSE. @param boolean $highlight (Optional) If set to TRUE the debugging console will be opened automatically and the query will be shown - really useful for quick and easy debugging. Default is FALSE. @return mixed The maximum value in the column or FALSE if no records matching the given criteria (if any) were found. It also returns FALSE if there are no records in the table or if there was an error. This method may return boolean FALSE but may also return a non-boolean value which evaluates to FALSE, such as 0. Use the === operator for testing the return value of this method.
$table string
$where string
$replacements array
$cache mixed
$highlight boolean
return mixed

dsum() public method

Example: get the total logins of all male users $result = $db->dsum('login_count', 'users', 'gender = "M"'); when working with variables you should use the following syntax this way you will stay clear of SQL injections $result = $db->dsum('login_count', 'users', 'gender = ?', array($gender));
public dsum ( string $column, string $table, string $where = '', array $replacements = '', mixed $cache = false, boolean $highlight = false ) : mixed
$column string Name of the column in which to sum values. @param string $table Name of the table in which to search. @param string $where (Optional) A MySQL WHERE clause (without the WHERE keyword). Default is "" (an empty string). @param array $replacements (Optional) An array with as many items as the total parameter markers ("?", question marks) in $where. Each item will be automatically {@link escape()}-ed and will replace the corresponding "?". Can also include an array as an item, case in which each value from the array will automatically {@link escape()}-ed and then concatenated with the other elements from the array - useful when using WHERE column IN (?) conditions. See second example {@link query here}. Default is "" (an empty string). @param mixed $cache (Optional) Instructs the library on whether it should cache the query's results or not. Can be either FALSE - meaning no caching - or an integer representing the number of seconds after which the cache will be considered expired and the query executed again. The caching method is specified by the value of the {@link caching_method} property. Default is FALSE. @param boolean $highlight (Optional) If set to TRUE the debugging console will be opened automatically and the query will be shown - really useful for quick and easy debugging. Default is FALSE. @return mixed Returns the sum, or FALSE if no records matching the given criteria (if any) were found. It also returns FALSE if there are no records in the table or on error. This method may return boolean FALSE but may also return a non-boolean value which evaluates to FALSE, such as 0. Use the === operator for testing the return value of this method.
$table string
$where string
$replacements array
$cache mixed
$highlight boolean
return mixed

error() public method

In most cases you should not need this method as any errors are reported to the {@link show_debug_console console} when the {@link debug} property is set to TRUE, or to PHP's error log file (if your environment is {@link configured to do so}) when set to FALSE. If, for some reasons, none of the above is available, you can use this method to catch errors. $db->query(' SELECT * FROM users WHERE invalid_column = ? ', array($value)) or die($db->error());
Since: 2.9.1 @return void
public error ( ) : void
return void

escape() public method

This method also encloses given string in single quotes! Works even if {@link magic_quotes} is ON. use the method in a query THIS IS NOT THE RECOMMENDED METHOD! $db->query(' SELECT * FROM users WHERE gender = "' . $db->escape($gender) . '" '); the recommended method (variable are automatically escaped this way) $db->query(' SELECT * FROM users WHERE gender = ? ', array($gender));
public escape ( string $string ) : string
$string string String to be quoted and escaped. @return string Returns the quoted string with special characters escaped in order to prevent SQL injections. .
return string

fetch_assoc() public method

run a query $db->query('SELECT * FROM table WHERE criteria = ?', array($criteria)); iterate through the found records while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) { code goes here }
public fetch_assoc ( resource $resource = '' ) : mixed
$resource resource (Optional) Resource to fetch. If not specified, the resource returned by the last run query is used. @return mixed Returns an associative array that corresponds to the fetched row and moves the internal data pointer ahead, or FALSE if there are no more rows.
return mixed

fetch_assoc_all() public method

run a query $db->query('SELECT * FROM table WHERE criteria = ?', array($criteria)); fetch all the rows as an associative array $records = $db->fetch_assoc_all();
public fetch_assoc_all ( string $index = '', resource $resource = '' ) : mixed
$index string (Optional) Name of a column containing unique values. If specified, the returned associative array's keys will be the values from this column. If not specified, returned array will have numerical indexes, starting from 0. @param resource $resource (Optional) Resource to fetch. If not specified, the resource returned by the last run query is used. @since 1.1.2 @return mixed Returns an associative array containing all the rows from the resource created by the previous query or from the resource given as argument and moves the internal pointer to the end. Returns FALSE on error.
$resource resource
return mixed

fetch_obj() public method

The data is taken from the resource created by the previous query or from the resource given as argument. run a query $db->query('SELECT * FROM table WHERE criteria = ?', array($criteria)); iterate through the found records while ($row = $db->fetch_obj()) { code goes here }
public fetch_obj ( resource $resource = '' ) : mixed
$resource resource (Optional) Resource to fetch. If not specified, the resource returned by the last run query is used. @since 1.0.8 @return mixed Returns an object with properties that correspond to the fetched row and moves the internal data pointer ahead, or FALSE if there are no more rows.
return mixed

fetch_obj_all() public method

run a query $db->query('SELECT * FROM table WHERE criteria = ?', array($criteria)); fetch all the rows as an associative array $records = $db->fetch_obj_all();
public fetch_obj_all ( string $index = '', resource $resource = '' ) : mixed
$index string (Optional) A column name from the records, containing unique values. If specified, the returned associative array's keys will be the values from this column. If not specified, returned array will have numerical indexes, starting from 0. @param resource $resource (Optional) Resource to fetch. If not specified, the resource returned by the last run query is used. @since 1.1.2 @return mixed Returns an associative array containing all the rows (as objects) from the resource created by the previous query or from the resource given as argument and moves the internal pointer to the end. Returns FALSE on error.
$resource resource
return mixed

free_result() public method

You should always free your result with {@link free_result()}, when your result object is not needed anymore.
public free_result ( resource $resource ) : void
$resource resource A resource returned by {@link query} or {@link select} methods. The method will do nothing if the argument is not a valid resource. @since 2.9.1 @return void
return void

get_columns() public method

Each entry will have the column's name as key and, associated, an array with the following keys: - name - table - def - max_length - not_null - primary_key - multiple_key - unique_key - numeric - blob - type - unsigned - zerofill run a query $db->query('SELECT * FROM table'); print information about the columns print_r('
public get_columns ( resource $resource = '' ) : mixed
$resource resource (Optional) Resource to fetch columns information from. If not specified, the resource returned by the last run query is used. @since 2.0 @return mixed Returns an associative array with information about the columns in the MySQL result associated with the specified result identifier, or FALSE on error.
return mixed

get_selected_database() public method

@since 2.8.7
public get_selected_database ( ) : mixed
return mixed Returns the name of the currently selected database, or FALSE if there's no active connection.

get_table_columns() public method

get column information for a table named "table_name" $db->get_table_columns('table_name');
public get_table_columns ( string $table ) : array
$table string Name of table to return column information for. @since 2.6 @return array Returns information about the columns of a given table as an associative array.
return array

get_table_status() public method

return status information on tables having their name starting with "users" $tables = get_table_status('users%');
public get_table_status ( string $pattern = '' ) : array
$pattern string (Optional) Instructs the method to return information only on tables whose name matches the given pattern. Can be a table name or a pattern with "%" as wildcard. @since 1.1.2 @return array Returns an associative array with a lot of useful information on all or specific tables only.
return array

get_tables() public method

get all tables from database $tables = get_tables();
Since: 1.1.2 @return array An array with all the tables in the current database.
public get_tables ( ) : array
return array

halt() public method

@since 1.0.7
public halt ( ) : void
return void

implode() public method

This was useful for escaping an array's values used in SQL statements with the "IN" keyword, before adding arrays directly in the replacement array became possible in version 2.8.6 $array = array(1,2,3,4); this would work as the WHERE clause in the SQL statement would become WHERE column IN ('1','2','3','4') $db->query(' SELECT column FROM table WHERE column IN (' . $db->implode($array) . ') '); THE RECOMMENDED WAY OF DOING WHERE-IN CONDITIONS SINCE VERSION 2.8.6 $db->query(' SELECT column FROM table WHERE column IN (?) ', array($array));
public implode ( array $pieces ) : string
$pieces array An array with items to be "glued" together @since 2.0 @return string Returns the string representation of all the array elements in the same order, escaped and with commas between each element.
return string

insert() public method

When using this method column names will be enclosed in grave accents " ` " (thus, allowing seamless usage of reserved words as column names) and values will be automatically {@link escape()}d in order to prevent SQL injections. notice that we're also using MySQL functions within values $db->insert( 'table', array( 'column1' => 'value1', 'column2' => 'TRIM(UCASE("value2"))', 'date_updated' => 'NOW()', )); when using MySQL functions, the value will be used as it is without being escaped! while this is ok when using a function without any arguments like NOW(), this may pose a security concern if the argument(s) come from user input. in this case we have to escape the value ourselves $db->insert( 'table', array( 'column1' => 'value1', 'column2' => 'TRIM(UCASE("' . $db->escape($value) . '"))', 'date_updated' => 'NOW()', ));
public insert ( string $table, array $columns, boolean $ignore = false, boolean $highlight = false ) : boolean
$table string Table in which to insert. @param array $columns An associative array where the array's keys represent the columns names and the array's values represent the values to be inserted in each respective column. Column names will be enclosed in grave accents " ` " (thus, allowing seamless usage of reserved words as column names) and values will be automatically {@link escape()}d in order to prevent SQL injections. You may also use any of {@link MySQL's functions} as values. Be aware that when using MySQL functions, the value will be used as it is without being escaped! While this is ok when using a function without any arguments like NOW(), this may pose a security concern if the argument(s) come from user input. In this case make sure you {@link escape} the values yourself! @param boolean $ignore (Optional) By default trying to insert a record that would cause a duplicate entry for a primary key would result in an error. If you want these errors to be skipped set this argument to TRUE. For more information see {@link MySQL's INSERT IGNORE syntax}. Default is FALSE. @param boolean $highlight (Optional) If set to TRUE the debugging console will be opened automatically and the query will be shown - really useful for quick and easy debugging. Default is FALSE. @since 1.0.9 @return boolean Returns TRUE on success of FALSE on error.
$columns array
$ignore boolean
$highlight boolean
return boolean

insert_bulk() public method

When using this method column names will be enclosed in grave accents " ` " (thus, allowing seamless usage of reserved words as column names) and values will be automatically {@link escape()}d in order to prevent SQL injections. notice that we're also using MySQL functions within values $db->insert_bulk( 'table', array('column1', 'column2', 'date_updated'), array( array('value1', 'TRIM(UCASE("value2"))', 'NOW()'), array('value3', 'TRIM(UCASE("value4"))', 'NOW()'), ) ); when using MySQL functions, the value will be used as it is without being escaped! while this is ok when using a function without any arguments like NOW(), this may pose a security concern if the argument(s) come from user input. in this case we have to escape the value ourselves $db->insert_bulk( 'table', array('column1', 'column2', 'date_updated'), array( array('value1', 'TRIM(UCASE("' . $db->escape($value2) . '"))', 'NOW()'), array('value3', 'TRIM(UCASE("' . $db->escape($value4) . '"))', 'NOW()'), ) );
public insert_bulk ( string $table, array $columns, array $data, boolean $ignore = false, boolean $highlight = false ) : boolean
$table string Table in which to insert. @param array $columns An array with columns to insert values into. Column names will be enclosed in grave accents " ` " (thus, allowing seamless usage of reserved words as column names). @param array $data An array of an unlimited number of arrays containing values to be inserted. Values will be automatically {@link escape()}d in order to prevent SQL injections. You may also use any of {@link MySQL's functions} as values. Be aware that when using MySQL functions, the value will be used as it is without being escaped! While this is ok when using a function without any arguments like NOW(), this may pose a security concern if the argument(s) come from user input. In this case make sure you {@link escape} the values yourself! @param boolean $ignore (Optional) By default, trying to insert a record that would cause a duplicate entry for a primary key would result in an error. If you want these errors to be skipped set this argument to TRUE. For more information see {@link MySQL's INSERT IGNORE syntax}. Default is FALSE. @param boolean $highlight (Optional) If set to TRUE the debugging console will be opened automatically and the query will be shown - really useful for quick and easy debugging. Default is FALSE. @since 2.1 @return boolean Returns TRUE on success of FALSE on error.
$columns array
$data array
$ignore boolean
$highlight boolean
return boolean

insert_id() public method

@since 1.0.4
public insert_id ( ) : mixed
return mixed The ID generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the previous INSERT query on success, '0' if the previous query does not generate an AUTO_INCREMENT value, or FALSE if there was no MySQL connection.

insert_update() public method

Read more {@link here}. When using this method, column names will be enclosed in grave accents " ` " (thus, allowing seamless usage of reserved words as column names) and values will be automatically {@link escape()}d in order to prevent SQL injections. presuming article_id is a UNIQUE index or PRIMARY KEY, the statement below will insert a new row for given $article_id and set the "votes" to 0. But, if $article_id is already in the database, increment the votes' numbers. also notice that we're using a MySQL function as a value $db->insert_update( 'table', array( 'article_id' => $article_id, 'votes' => 0, 'date_updated' => 'NOW()', ), array( 'votes' => 'INC(1)', ) ); when using MySQL functions, the value will be used as it is without being escaped! while this is ok when using a function without any arguments like NOW(), this may pose a security concern if the argument(s) come from user input. in this case we have to escape the value ourselves $db->insert_update( 'table', array( 'article_id' => 'CEIL("' . $db->escape($article_id) . '")', 'votes' => 0, 'date_updated' => 'NOW()', ), array( 'votes' => 'INC(1)', ) );
public insert_update ( string $table, array $columns, array $update = [], boolean $highlight = false ) : boolean
$table string Table in which to insert/update. @param array $columns An associative array where the array's keys represent the columns names and the array's values represent the values to be inserted in each respective column. Column names will be enclosed in grave accents " ` " (thus, allowing seamless usage of reserved words as column names) and values will be automatically {@link escape()}d. You may also use any of {@link MySQL's functions} as values. Be aware that when using MySQL functions, the value will be used as it is without being escaped! While this is ok when using a function without any arguments like NOW(), this may pose a security concern if the argument(s) come from user input. In this case make sure you {@link escape} the values yourself! @param array $update (Optional) An associative array where the array's keys represent the columns names and the array's values represent the values to update the columns' values to. This array represents the columns/values to be updated if the inserted row would cause a duplicate value in a UNIQUE index or PRIMARY KEY. If an empty array is given, the values in $columns will be used. Column names will be enclosed in grave accents " ` " (thus, allowing seamless usage of reserved words as column names) and values will be automatically {@link escape()}d. A special value may also be used for when a column's value needs to be incremented or decremented. In this case, use INC(value) where value is the value to increase the column's value with. Use INC(-value) to decrease the column's value. See {@link update()} for an example. You may also use any of {@link MySQL's functions} as values. Be aware that when using MySQL functions, the value will be used as it is without being escaped! While this is ok when using a function without any arguments like NOW(), this may pose a security concern if the argument(s) come from user input. In this case make sure you {@link escape} the values yourself! Default is an empty array. @param boolean $highlight (Optional) If set to TRUE the debugging console will be opened automatically and the query will be shown - really useful for quick and easy debugging. Default is FALSE. @since 2.1 @return boolean Returns TRUE on success of FALSE on error.
$columns array
$update array
$highlight boolean
return boolean

language() public method

show messages in the debugging console in German $db->language('german');
public language ( string $language ) : void
$language string The name of the PHP language file from the "languages" subdirectory. Must be specified without the extension! (i.e. "german" for the german language not "german.php") Default is "english". @since 1.0.6 @return void
return void

optimize() public method

optimize all tables in the database $db->optimize();
Since: 1.1.2 @return void
public optimize ( ) : void
return void

parse_file() public method

If you must parse a very large file and your script crashed due to timeout or because of memory limitations, try the following: prevent script timeout set_time_limit(0); allow for more memory to be used by the script ini_set('memory_limit','128M');
public parse_file ( string $path ) : boolean
$path string Path to the file to be parsed. @return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
return boolean

query() public method

After a SELECT query you can get the number of returned rows by reading the {@link returned_rows} property. After an UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE query you can get the number of affected rows by reading the {@link affected_rows} property. Note that you don't need to return the result of this method in a variable for using it later with a fetch method like {@link fetch_assoc()} or {@link fetch_obj()}, as all these methods, if called without the resource arguments, work on the LAST returned result resource! run a query $db->query(' SELECT * FROM users WHERE gender = ? ', array($gender)); array as replacement, for use with WHERE-IN conditions $db->query(' SELECT * FROM users WHERE gender = ? AND id IN (?) ', array('f', array(1, 2, 3)));
public query ( string $sql, array $replacements = '', mixed $cache = false, boolean $calc_rows = false, boolean $highlight = false ) : mixed
$sql string MySQL statement to execute. @param array $replacements (Optional) An array with as many items as the total parameter markers ("?", question marks) in $sql. Each item will be automatically {@link escape()}-ed and will replace the corresponding "?". Can also include an array as an item, case in which each value from the array will automatically {@link escape()}-ed and then concatenated with the other elements from the array - useful when using WHERE column IN (?) conditions. Default is "" (an empty string). @param mixed $cache (Optional) Instructs the library on whether it should cache the query's results or not. Can be either FALSE - meaning no caching - or an integer representing the number of seconds after which the cache will be considered expired and the query executed again. The caching method is specified by the value of the {@link caching_method} property. Default is FALSE. @param boolean $calc_rows (Optional) If query is a SELECT query, this argument is set to TRUE, and there is a LIMIT applied to the query, the value of the {@link found_rows} property (after the query was run) will represent the number of records that would have been returned if there was no LIMIT applied to the query. This is very useful for creating pagination or computing averages. Also, note that this information will be available without running an extra query. {@link Here's how} Default is FALSE. @param boolean $highlight (Optional) If set to TRUE the debugging console will be opened automatically and the query will be shown - really useful for quick and easy debugging. Default is FALSE. @return mixed On success, returns a resource or an array (if results are taken from the cache) or FALSE on error. If query results are taken from cache, the returned result will be a pointer to the actual results of the query!
$replacements array
$cache mixed
$calc_rows boolean
$highlight boolean
return mixed

seek() public method

The next call to a fetch method like {@link fetch_assoc()} or {@link fetch_obj()} would return that row.
public seek ( integer $row, resource $resource = '' ) : boolean
$row integer The row you want to move the pointer to. $row starts at 0. $row should be a value in the range from 0 to {@link returned_rows} @param resource $resource (Optional) Resource to fetch. If not specified, the resource returned by the last run query is used. @since 1.1.0 @return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
$resource resource
return boolean

select() public method

For complex queries (using UNION, JOIN, etc) use the {@link query()} method. When using this method, column names will be enclosed in grave accents " ` " (thus, allowing seamless usage of reserved words as column names) and values will be automatically {@link escape()}d in order to prevent SQL injections. $db->select( 'column1, column2', 'table', 'criteria = ?', array($criteria) ); or $db->select( array('column1', 'column2'), 'table', 'criteria = ?', array($criteria) ); or $db->select( '*', 'table', 'criteria = ?', array($criteria) );
public select ( mixed $columns, string $table, string $where = '', array $replacements = '', string $order = '', mixed $limit = '', mixed $cache = false, boolean $calc_rows = false, boolean $highlight = false ) : mixed
$columns mixed A string with comma separated values or an array representing valid column names as used in a SELECT statement. These will be enclosed in grave accents, so make sure you are only using column names and not things like "tablename.*"! You may also use "*" instead of column names to select all columns from a table. @param string $table Table in which to search. Note that table name will be enclosed in grave accents " ` " and thus only one table name should be used! For anything but a simple select query use the {@link query()} method. @param string $where (Optional) A MySQL WHERE clause (without the WHERE keyword). Default is "" (an empty string). @param array $replacements (Optional) An array with as many items as the total parameter markers ("?", question marks) in $where. Each item will be automatically {@link escape()}-ed and will replace the corresponding "?". Can also include an array as an item, case in which each value from the array will automatically {@link escape()}-ed and then concatenated with the other elements from the array - useful when using WHERE column IN (?) conditions. See second example {@link query here}. Default is "" (an empty string). @param string $order (Optional) A MySQL ORDER BY clause (without the ORDER BY keyword). Default is "" (an empty string). @param mixed $limit (Optional) A MySQL LIMIT clause (without the LIMIT keyword). Default is "" (an empty string). @param mixed $cache (Optional) Instructs the library on whether it should cache the query's results or not. Can be either FALSE - meaning no caching - or an integer representing the number of seconds after which the cache will be considered expired and the query executed again. The caching method is specified by the value of the {@link caching_method} property. Default is FALSE. @param boolean $calc_rows (Optional) If query is a SELECT query, this argument is set to TRUE, and there is a LIMIT applied to the query, the value of the {@link found_rows} property (after the query was run) will represent the number of records that would have been returned if there was no LIMIT applied to the query. This is very useful for creating pagination or computing averages. Also, note that this information will be available without running an extra query. {@link Here's how} Default is FALSE. @param boolean $highlight (Optional) If set to TRUE the debugging console will be opened automatically and the query will be shown - really useful for quick and easy debugging. Default is FALSE. @since 2.0 @return mixed On success, returns a resource or an array (if results are taken from the cache) or FALSE on error. If query results are taken from cache, the returned result will be a pointer to the actual results of the query!
$table string
$where string
$replacements array
$order string
$limit mixed
$cache mixed
$calc_rows boolean
$highlight boolean
return mixed

set_charset() public method

The ensure that data is both properly saved and retrieved from the database you should call this method first thing after connecting to the database. If this method is not called a warning message will be displayed in the debugging console. Warnings can be disabled by setting the {@link disable_warnings} property.
public set_charset ( string $charset = 'utf8', string $collation = 'utf8_general_ci' ) : void
$charset string (Optional) The character set to be used by the database. Default is 'utf8'. See the {@link list of possible values} @param string $collation (Optional) The collation to be used by the database. Default is 'utf8_general_ci'. See the {@link list of possible values} @since 2.0 @return void
$collation string
return void

show_debug_console() public method

This method must be called after all the queries in a script, preferably before ! You should ALWAYS have this method called at the end of your scripts and control whether the debugging console will show or not with the {@link debug} property.
public show_debug_console ( boolean $return = false ) : void
$return boolean (Optional) If set to TRUE, the output will be returned instead of being printed to the screen. Default is FALSE. @return void
return void

table_exists() public method

checks whether table "users" exists table_exists('users');
public table_exists ( string $table ) : boolean
$table string The name of the table to check if it exists in the database. @since 2.3 @return boolean Returns TRUE if table given as argument exists in the database or FALSE if not.
return boolean

transaction_complete() public method

start transactions $db->transaction_start(); run queries if all the queries since "transaction_start" are valid, write data to the database; if any of the queries had an error, ignore all queries and treat them as if they never happened $db->transaction_complete();
Since: 2.1 @return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on error.
public transaction_complete ( ) : boolean
return boolean

transaction_start() public method

Transactions work only with databases that support transaction-safe table types. In MySQL, these are InnoDB or BDB table types. Working with MyISAM tables will not raise any errors but statements will be executed automatically as soon as they are called (just like if there was no transaction). If you are not familiar with transactions, have a look at {@link here} and try to find a good online resource for more specific information. start transactions $db->transaction_start(); run queries if all the queries since "transaction_start" are valid, write data to database; if any of the queries had an error, ignore all queries and treat them as if they never happened $db->transaction_complete();
public transaction_start ( boolean $test_only = false ) : boolean
$test_only boolean (Optional) Starts the transaction system in "test mode" causing the queries to be rolled back (when {@link transaction_complete()} is called) - even if all queries are valid. Default is FALSE. @since 2.1 @return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on error.
return boolean

truncate() public method

Truncating a table is quicker then deleting all rows, as stated in the {@link MySQL documentation}. Truncating a table also resets the value of the AUTO INCREMENT column. $db->truncate('table');
public truncate ( string $table, boolean $highlight = false ) : boolean
$table string Table to truncate. @param boolean $highlight (Optional) If set to TRUE the debugging console will be opened automatically and the query will be shown - really useful for quick and easy debugging. Default is FALSE. @since 1.0.9 @return boolean Returns TRUE on success of FALSE on error.
$highlight boolean
return boolean

update() public method

When using this method column names will be enclosed in grave accents " ` " (thus, allowing seamless usage of reserved words as column names) and values will be automatically {@link escape()}d in order to prevent SQL injections. After an update check {@link affected_rows} to find out how many rows were affected. notice that we're using a MySQL function as a value $db->update( 'table', array( 'column1' => 'value1', 'column2' => 'value2', 'date_updated' => 'NOW()', ), 'criteria = ?', array($criteria) ); when using MySQL functions, the value will be used as it is without being escaped! while this is ok when using a function without any arguments like NOW(), this may pose a security concern if the argument(s) come from user input. in this case we have to escape the value ourselves $db->update( 'table', array( 'column1' => 'TRIM(UCASE("' . $db->escape($value1) . '"))', 'column2' => 'value2', 'date_updated' => 'NOW()', ), 'criteria = ?', array($criteria) );
public update ( string $table, array $columns, string $where = '', array $replacements = '', boolean $highlight = false ) : boolean
$table string Table in which to update. @param array $columns An associative array where the array's keys represent the columns names and the array's values represent the values to be inserted in each respective column. Column names will be enclosed in grave accents " ` " (thus, allowing seamless usage of reserved words as column names) and values will be automatically {@link escape()}d. A special value may also be used for when a column's value needs to be incremented or decremented. In this case, use INC(value) where value is the value to increase the column's value with. Use INC(-value) to decrease the column's value: $db->update( 'table', array( 'column' => 'INC(?)', ), 'criteria = ?', array( $value, $criteria ) ); equivalent to $db->query('UPDATE table SET column = colum + ? WHERE criteria = ?', array($value, $criteria)); You may also use any of {@link MySQL's functions} as values. Be aware that when using MySQL functions, the value will be used as it is without being escaped! While this is ok when using a function without any arguments like NOW(), this may pose a security concern if the argument(s) come from user input. In this case make sure you {@link escape} the values yourself! @param string $where (Optional) A MySQL WHERE clause (without the WHERE keyword). Default is "" (an empty string). @param array $replacements (Optional) An array with as many items as the total parameter markers ("?", question marks) in $where. Each item will be automatically {@link escape()}-ed and will replace the corresponding "?". Can also include an array as an item, case in which each value from the array will automatically {@link escape()}-ed and then concatenated with the other elements from the array - useful when using WHERE column IN (?) conditions. See second example {@link query here}. Default is "" (an empty string). @param boolean $highlight (Optional) If set to TRUE the debugging console will be opened automatically and the query will be shown - really useful for quick and easy debugging. Default is FALSE. @since 1.0.9 @return boolean Returns TRUE on success of FALSE on error
$columns array
$where string
$replacements array
$highlight boolean
return boolean

write_log() public method

This method must be called after all the queries in a script! Make sure you're calling it BEFORE {@link show_debug_console()} so that you can see in the debugging console if writing to the log file was successful or not. Note that by default all logs are written to a single file. Refer to the method's arguments for grouping logs by days and/or hours.
Since: 1.1.0 @param boolean $daily Should logs be grouped by days? Log files will have their name in the form of "log_ymd.txt", where "y", "m" and "d" represent two digit values for year, month and day, respectively. Default is FALSE. @param boolean $hourly Should logs be also groupped by hours? Log files will have their name in the form of "log_ymd_h.txt", where "y", "m" and "d" represent two digit values for year, month and day, respectively, while "h" represents the two digit value for hour. Note that if this argument is set to TRUE, the $daily argument will be automatically set to TRUE. Default is FALSE. @return void
public write_log ( boolean $daily = false, boolean $hourly = false ) : void
$daily boolean
$hourly boolean
return void

Property Details

$affected_rows public_oe property

For the number of rows returned by SELECT queries see the {@link $returned_rows} property. update some columns in a table $db->update('table', array( 'column_1' => 'value 1', 'column_2' => 'value 2', ), 'id = ?', array($id)); print the number of affected rows echo $db->affected_rows;
public int $affected_rows
return integer

$cache_path public_oe property

The path must be relative to your working path and not the class' path!
public string $cache_path
return string

$caching_method public_oe property

Can be either: - disk - query results are cached as files on the disk at the path specified by {@link cache_path}. - session - query results are cached in the session (use this only for small data sets). Note that when using this method for caching results, the library expects an active session, or will trigger a fatal error otherwise! - memcache - query results are cached using a {@link memcache} server; when using this method make sure to also set the appropriate values for {@link memcache_host}, {@link memcache_port} and optionally {@link memcache_compressed}.
For using memcache as caching method, PHP must be compiled with the {@link memcache} extension and, if {@link memcache_compressed} property is set to TRUE, needs to be configured with --with-zlib[=DIR]. If caching method is set to "memcache", {@link memcache_host}, {@link memcache_port} and optionally {@link memcache_compressed} must be set prior to calling the {@link connect()} method! Failing to do so will disable caching. the host where memcache is listening for connections $db->memcache_host = 'localhost'; the port where memcache is listening for connections $db->memcache_port = 11211; for this to work, PHP needs to be configured with --with-zlib[=dir] ! set it to FALSE otherwise $db->memcache_compressed = true; cache queries using the memcache server $db->caching_method = 'memcache'; only now it is the time to connect $db->connect(...) Caching is done on a per-query basis by setting the "cache" argument when calling some of the library's methods like {@link query()}, {@link select()}, {@link dcount()}, {@link dlookup()}, {@link dmax()} and {@link dsum()}! Default is "disk".
Since: 2.7 @var string
public string $caching_method
return string

$console_show_records public_oe property

show 50 records $db->console_show_records(50); Be aware that having this property set to a high number (hundreds), and having queries that returnthat many rows, can cause your script to crash due to memory limitations. In this case you should either lower the value of this property or try and set PHP's memory limit higher using: set PHP's memory limit to 20 MB ini_set('memory_limit','20M'); Default is 20.
Since: 1.0.9 @var integer
public int $console_show_records
return integer

$debug public_oe property

Debugging information can later be reviewed by calling the {@link show_debug_console()} method. Don't forget to set this to FALSE on the production environment. Generating the debugging information consumes a lot of resources and is meant to be used *only* in the development process!. I recommend always calling the {@link show_debug_console()} method at the end of your scripts, and simply changing the value of the debug property to suit your needs, as {@link show_debug_console()} will not display anything if debug is FALSE. Remember that on a production server you will not be left in the dark by setting this property to FALSE, as the library will try to write any errors to PHP's error log file, if your environment is {@link configured to do so}! disable the generation of debugging information $db->debug = false; Default is TRUE.
public bool $debug
return boolean

$debugger_ip public_oe property

An empty array would display the debugging console for everybody. show the debugging console only to specific IPs $db->debugger_ip = array('', 'yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy'); Default is an empty array.
Since: 1.0.6 @var array
public array $debugger_ip
return array

$disable_warnings public_oe property

The ensure that data is both properly saved and retrieved to and from the database, this method should be called first thing after connecting to the database. If you don't want to call this method nor do you want to see the warning, set this property to FALSE. Default is TRUE.
public bool $disable_warnings
return boolean

$found_rows public_oe property

If calc_rows is FALSE or is TRUE but there is no LIMIT applied to the query, this property's value will be the same as the value of the {@link returned_rows} property. let's assume that "table" has 100 rows but we're only selecting the first 10 of those the last argument of the method tells the library to get the total number of records in the table $db->query(' SELECT * FROM table WHERE something = ? LIMIT 10 ', array($somevalue), false, true); prints "10" as this is the number of records returned by the query echo $db->returned_rows; prints "100" because we set the "calc_rows" argument of the "query" method to TRUE echo $db->found_rows;
public int $found_rows
return integer

$halt_on_errors public_oe property

don't stop execution for unsuccessful queries (if possible) $db->halt_on_errors = false; Default is TRUE.
Since: 1.0.5 @var boolean
public bool $halt_on_errors
return boolean

$log_path public_oe property

The path is relative to your working directory. Data is written to the log file when calling the {@link write_log()} method. At the given path the library will attempt to create a file named "log.txt". Remember to grant the appropriate rights to the script! IF YOU'RE LOGGING, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A CRON JOB OR SOMETHING THAT DELETES THE LOG FILE FROM TIME TO TIME! Remember that the library will try to write errors to the system log (if PHP is {@link configured so}) only when the {@link $debug debug} property is set to FALSE (as when the debug property is set to TRUE the error messages are reported in the debugging console);
public string $log_path
return string

$max_query_time public_oe property

If a query's execution time exceeds this number, a notification email will be automatically sent to the address defined by {@link notification_address}, having {@link notifier_domain} in subject. consider queries running for more than 5 seconds as slow and send email $db->max_query_time = 5; Default is 10.
public int $max_query_time
return integer

$memcache_compressed public_oe property

For this to work, PHP needs to be configured with --with-zlib[=DIR] ! Set this property only if you are using "memcache" as {@link caching_method}. Default is FALSE.
Since: 2.7 @var boolean
public bool $memcache_compressed
return boolean

$memcache_host public_oe property

Set this property only if you are using "memcache" as {@link caching_method}. Default is FALSE.
Since: 2.7 @var mixed
public mixed $memcache_host
return mixed

$memcache_key_prefix public_oe property

Set this property only if you are using "memcache" as {@link caching_method}. Default is "" (an empty string).
Since: 2.8.4 @var string
public string $memcache_key_prefix
return string

$memcache_port public_oe property

Set this property only if you are using "memcache" as {@link caching_method}. Default is FALSE.
Since: 2.7 @var mixed
public mixed $memcache_port
return mixed

$minimize_console public_oe property

Clicking on it will show the full debugging console. For quick and easy debugging, setting the highlight argument of a method that has it will result in the debugging console being shown at full size and with the respective query visible for inspecting. Default is TRUE
Since: 1.0.4 @var boolean
public bool $minimize_console
return boolean

$notification_address public_oe property

the email address where to send an email when there are slow queries $db->notification_address = '[email protected]';
public string $notification_address
return string

$notifier_domain public_oe property

If a query's execution time exceeds the number of seconds set by {@link max_query_time}, a notification email will be automatically sent to the address defined by {@link notification_address} and having {@link notifier_domain} in subject. set a domain name so that you'll know where the email comes from $db->notifier_domain = '';
public string $notifier_domain
return string

$resource_path public_oe property

The path must be relative to your $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] and not the class' path!
public string $resource_path
return string

$returned_rows public_oe property

See {@link found_rows} also. $db->query(' SELECT * FROM table WHERE something = ? LIMIT 10 ', array($somevalue)); prints "10" as this is the number of records returned by the query echo $db->returned_rows;
Since: 1.0.4 @var integer
public int $returned_rows
return integer