PHP Class Zend_Version

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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_latestVersion string The latest stable version Zend Framework available

Public Methods

Method Description
compareVersion ( string $version ) : integer Compare the specified Zend Framework version string $version with the current Zend_Version::VERSION of Zend Framework.
getLatest ( ) : string Fetches the version of the latest stable release

Method Details

compareVersion() public static method

Compare the specified Zend Framework version string $version with the current Zend_Version::VERSION of Zend Framework.
public static compareVersion ( string $version ) : integer
$version string A version string (e.g. "0.7.1").
return integer -1 if the $version is older, 0 if they are the same, and +1 if $version is newer.

getLatest() public static method

Fetches the version of the latest stable release
public static getLatest ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

$_latestVersion protected_oe static_oe property

The latest stable version Zend Framework available
protected static string $_latestVersion
return string