PHP Class Barryvdh\LaravelIdeHelper\Generator

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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$config Illuminate\Config\Repository
$output Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface
$view Illuminate\View\Factory

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Illuminate\Config\Repository $config, Illuminate\View\Factory $view, Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output = null, string $helpers = '' )
generate ( string $format = 'php' ) : string; Generate the helper file contents;
generateJsonHelper ( )
generatePhpHelper ( )
getDriver ( $alias ) : array | boolean | string Get the driver/connection/store from the managers

Protected Methods

Method Description
detectDrivers ( )
error ( string $string ) : void Write a string as error output.
getAliases ( )
getNamespaces ( ) : array Find all namespaces/aliases that are valid for us to render

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Illuminate\Config\Repository $config, Illuminate\View\Factory $view, Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output = null, string $helpers = '' )
$config Illuminate\Config\Repository
$view Illuminate\View\Factory
$output Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface
$helpers string

detectDrivers() protected method

protected detectDrivers ( )

error() protected method

Write a string as error output.
protected error ( string $string ) : void
$string string
return void

generate() public method

Generate the helper file contents;
public generate ( string $format = 'php' ) : string;
$format string The format to generate the helper in (php/json)
return string;

generateJsonHelper() public method

public generateJsonHelper ( )

generatePhpHelper() public method

public generatePhpHelper ( )

getAliases() protected method

protected getAliases ( )

getDriver() public method

Get the driver/connection/store from the managers
public getDriver ( $alias ) : array | boolean | string
return array | boolean | string

getNamespaces() protected method

Find all namespaces/aliases that are valid for us to render
protected getNamespaces ( ) : array
return array

Property Details

$config protected_oe property

protected Repository,Illuminate\Config $config
return Illuminate\Config\Repository

$extra protected_oe property

protected $extra

$helpers protected_oe property

protected $helpers

$interfaces protected_oe property

protected $interfaces

$magic protected_oe property

protected $magic

$output protected_oe property

protected OutputInterface,Symfony\Component\Console\Output $output
return Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface

$view protected_oe property

protected Factory,Illuminate\View $view
return Illuminate\View\Factory