PHP Class BookStack\Page

Inheritance: extends Entity
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
attachments ( ) : Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany Get the attachments assigned to this page.
book ( ) : BelongsTo Get the book this page sits in.
chapter ( ) : BelongsTo Get the chapter that this page is in, If applicable.
getExcerpt ( integer $length = 100 ) : mixed Get an excerpt of this page's content to the specified length.
getUrl ( string | boolean $path = false ) : string Get the url for this page.
hasChapter ( ) : boolean Check if this page has a chapter.
revisions ( ) : mixed Get the associated page revisions, ordered by created date.
toSimpleArray ( ) : mixed Converts this page into a simplified array.

Method Details

attachments() public method

Get the attachments assigned to this page.
public attachments ( ) : Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany
return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany

book() public method

Get the book this page sits in.
public book ( ) : BelongsTo
return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo

chapter() public method

Get the chapter that this page is in, If applicable.
public chapter ( ) : BelongsTo
return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo

getExcerpt() public method

Get an excerpt of this page's content to the specified length.
public getExcerpt ( integer $length = 100 ) : mixed
$length integer
return mixed

getUrl() public method

Get the url for this page.
public getUrl ( string | boolean $path = false ) : string
$path string | boolean
return string

hasChapter() public method

Check if this page has a chapter.
public hasChapter ( ) : boolean
return boolean

revisions() public method

Get the associated page revisions, ordered by created date.
public revisions ( ) : mixed
return mixed

toSimpleArray() public method

Converts this page into a simplified array.
public toSimpleArray ( ) : mixed
return mixed

Property Details

$fillable protected_oe property

protected $fillable

$simpleAttributes protected_oe property

protected $simpleAttributes