PHP Class Components\Model\User

Inheritance: extends Model, use trait Components\Model\Traits\Timestampable, use trait Components\Model\Traits\SoftDeletable
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Public Properties

Property Type Description

Protected Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
getActivated ( ) : boolean To know if the account is activated.
getEmail ( ) : string Get the user's email.
getName ( ) : string Get the user's name.
getSource ( ) : string By every request, phalcon will always pull this function as basis to know what is the table's name.
setActivated ( boolean $bool ) : mixed Set the column activated in the table as boolean.
setEmail ( string $email ) Set the email.
setName ( string $name ) : mixed Set the name field.

Method Details

getActivated() public method

To know if the account is activated.
public getActivated ( ) : boolean
return boolean

getEmail() public method

Get the user's email.
public getEmail ( ) : string
return string

getName() public method

Get the user's name.
public getName ( ) : string
return string

getSource() public method

By every request, phalcon will always pull this function as basis to know what is the table's name.
public getSource ( ) : string
return string

setActivated() public method

Set the column activated in the table as boolean.
public setActivated ( boolean $bool ) : mixed
$bool boolean a boolean value to be based if activated or not
return mixed

setEmail() public method

Set the email.
public setEmail ( string $email )
$email string

setName() public method

Set the name field.
public setName ( string $name ) : mixed
$name string setting the name of the user
return mixed

Property Details

$activated protected_oe property

protected $activated

$email public_oe property

public $email

$name protected_oe property

protected $name

$password public_oe property

public $password

$token public_oe property

public $token