PHP Class Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem\Factory\AbstractFileSystemPathFactory

Inheritance: implements Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem\Factory\FileSystemPathFactoryInterface
Mostrar archivo Open project: eloquent/pathogen

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Eloquent\Pathogen\Factory\PathFactoryInterface $unixFactory = null, Eloquent\Pathogen\Factory\PathFactoryInterface $windowsFactory = null, Icecave\Isolator\Isolator $isolator = null ) Construct a new file system path factory.
createTemporaryDirectoryPath ( ) : Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem\AbsoluteFileSystemPathInterface Create a path representing the system temporary directory.
createTemporaryPath ( string | null $prefix = null ) : Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem\AbsoluteFileSystemPathInterface Create a path representing a suitable for use as the location for a new temporary file or directory.
createWorkingDirectoryPath ( ) : Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem\AbsoluteFileSystemPathInterface Create a path representing the current working directory.
unixFactory ( ) : Eloquent\Pathogen\Factory\PathFactoryInterface Get the path factory used for Unix paths.
windowsFactory ( ) : Eloquent\Pathogen\Factory\PathFactoryInterface Get the path factory used for Windows paths.

Protected Methods

Method Description
factoryByPlatform ( ) : Eloquent\Pathogen\Factory\PathFactoryInterface Return the most appropriate path factory depending on the current platform.
isolator ( ) : Icecave\Isolator\Isolator Get the isolator.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Construct a new file system path factory.
public __construct ( Eloquent\Pathogen\Factory\PathFactoryInterface $unixFactory = null, Eloquent\Pathogen\Factory\PathFactoryInterface $windowsFactory = null, Icecave\Isolator\Isolator $isolator = null )
$unixFactory Eloquent\Pathogen\Factory\PathFactoryInterface The path factory to use for Unix paths.
$windowsFactory Eloquent\Pathogen\Factory\PathFactoryInterface The path factory to use for Windows paths.
$isolator Icecave\Isolator\Isolator The isolator to use.

createTemporaryDirectoryPath() public method

Create a path representing the system temporary directory.
public createTemporaryDirectoryPath ( ) : Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem\AbsoluteFileSystemPathInterface
return Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem\AbsoluteFileSystemPathInterface A new path instance representing the system default temporary directory path.

createTemporaryPath() public method

This path is not guaranteed to be unused, but collisions are fairly unlikely.
public createTemporaryPath ( string | null $prefix = null ) : Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem\AbsoluteFileSystemPathInterface
$prefix string | null A string to use as a prefix for the path name.
return Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem\AbsoluteFileSystemPathInterface A new path instance representing the new temporary path.

createWorkingDirectoryPath() public method

Create a path representing the current working directory.
public createWorkingDirectoryPath ( ) : Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem\AbsoluteFileSystemPathInterface
return Eloquent\Pathogen\FileSystem\AbsoluteFileSystemPathInterface A new path instance representing the current working directory path.

factoryByPlatform() protected method

Return the most appropriate path factory depending on the current platform.
protected factoryByPlatform ( ) : Eloquent\Pathogen\Factory\PathFactoryInterface
return Eloquent\Pathogen\Factory\PathFactoryInterface The most appropriate path factory.

isolator() protected method

Get the isolator.
protected isolator ( ) : Icecave\Isolator\Isolator
return Icecave\Isolator\Isolator The isolator.

unixFactory() public method

Get the path factory used for Unix paths.
public unixFactory ( ) : Eloquent\Pathogen\Factory\PathFactoryInterface
return Eloquent\Pathogen\Factory\PathFactoryInterface The path factory used for Unix paths.

windowsFactory() public method

Get the path factory used for Windows paths.
public windowsFactory ( ) : Eloquent\Pathogen\Factory\PathFactoryInterface
return Eloquent\Pathogen\Factory\PathFactoryInterface The path factory used for Windows paths.