PHP Class FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\AbstractRelationFormField

Inheritance: extends AbstractMultiValueFormField, implements FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$condition string
$disableMovingChildrenWithParent boolean Disables that child records get moved along with their parent records.
$emptyOption boolean | string If not-FALSE, adds one empty option/value pair to the generated selector box and tries to use this property's value (cast to string) as label.
$filter array Optional filter - as an array($userFunctionReferenceString, $parameters) - to further condition which records are allowed to be selected in this field.
$foreignDefaultSortby string If a fieldname for foreign_sortby is defined, then this is ignored. Otherwise this is used as the "ORDER BY" statement to sort the records in the table when listed.
$foreignField string The foreign_field is the field of the child record pointing to the parent record. This defines where to store the uid of the parent record.
$foreignLabel string If set, it overrides the label set in TCA[foreign_table]['ctrl']['label'] for the foreign table view.
$foreignSelector string A selector is used to show all possible child records that could be used to create a relation with the parent record. It will be rendered as a multi-select-box. On clicking on an item inside the selector a new relation is created. The foreign_selector points to a field of the foreign_table that is responsible for providing a selector-box – this field on the foreign_table usually has the type "select" and also has a "foreign_table" defined.
$foreignSortby string Defines a field on the child record (or on the intermediate table) that stores the manual sorting information.
$foreignTableField string The field of the child record pointing to the parent record. This defines where to store the table name of the parent record. On setting this configuration key together with foreign_field, the child record knows what its parent record is – so the child record could also be used on other parent tables.
$foreignUnique string Field which must be uniue for all children of a parent record.
$localizationMode string Set whether children can be localizable ('select') or just inherit from default language ('keep'). Default is empty, meaning no particular behavior.
$localizeChildrenAtParentLocalization boolean Defines whether children should be localized when the localization of the parent gets created.
$manyToMany string | null
$matchFields array When using many-to-many mode you can specify an array of field=>value pairs which must also match in the relation table when the relation is resolved.
$showThumbnails boolean
$symmetricField string In case of bidirectional symmetric relations, this defines the field name on the foreign table which contains the UID of this side of the relation.
$symmetricLabel string If set, this overrides the default label of the selected symmetric table.
$symmetricSortby string This works like foreign_sortby, but defines the field on foreign_table where the "other" sort order is stored (this order is then used only in the reverse symmetric relation).
$table string

Public Methods

Method Description
getCondition ( ) : string
getDisableMovingChildrenWithParent ( ) : boolean
getEmptyOption ( ) : boolean | string
getFilter ( ) : array
getForeignDefaultSortby ( ) : string
getForeignField ( ) : string
getForeignLabel ( ) : string
getForeignSelector ( ) : string
getForeignSortby ( ) : string
getForeignTableField ( ) : string
getForeignUnique ( ) : string
getItemListStyle ( ) : string
getLocalizationMode ( ) : string
getLocalizeChildrenAtParentLocalization ( ) : boolean
getManyToMany ( ) : null | string
getMatchFields ( ) : array
getOppositeField ( ) : string
getSelectedListStyle ( ) : string
getShowThumbnails ( ) : boolean
getSymmetricField ( ) : string
getSymmetricLabel ( ) : string
getSymmetricSortby ( ) : string
getTable ( ) : string
prepareConfiguration ( string $type ) : array
setCondition ( string $condition ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setDisableMovingChildrenWithParent ( boolean $disableMovingChildrenWithParent ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setEmptyOption ( boolean | string $emptyOption ) : Select
setFilter ( array $filter ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setForeignDefaultSortby ( string $foreignDefaultSortby ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setForeignField ( string $foreignField ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setForeignLabel ( string $foreignLabel ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setForeignSelector ( string $foreignSelector ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setForeignSortby ( string $foreignSortby ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setForeignTableField ( string $foreignTableField ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setForeignUnique ( string $foreignUnique ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setItemListStyle ( string $itemListStyle ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setLocalizationMode ( string $localizationMode ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setLocalizeChildrenAtParentLocalization ( boolean $localizeChildrenAtParentLocalization ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setManyToMany ( null | string $manyToMany ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setMatchFields ( array $matchFields ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setOppositeField ( string $oppositeField ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setSelectedListStyle ( string $selectedListStyle ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setShowThumbnails ( boolean $showThumbnails ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setSymmetricField ( string $symmetricField ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setSymmetricLabel ( string $symmetricLabel ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setSymmetricSortby ( string $symmetricSortby ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
setTable ( string $table ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

Method Details

getCondition() public method

public getCondition ( ) : string
return string

getDisableMovingChildrenWithParent() public method

getEmptyOption() public method

public getEmptyOption ( ) : boolean | string
return boolean | string

getFilter() public method

public getFilter ( ) : array
return array

getForeignDefaultSortby() public method

public getForeignDefaultSortby ( ) : string
return string

getForeignField() public method

public getForeignField ( ) : string
return string

getForeignLabel() public method

public getForeignLabel ( ) : string
return string

getForeignSelector() public method

public getForeignSelector ( ) : string
return string

getForeignSortby() public method

public getForeignSortby ( ) : string
return string

getForeignTableField() public method

public getForeignTableField ( ) : string
return string

getForeignUnique() public method

public getForeignUnique ( ) : string
return string

getItemListStyle() public method

public getItemListStyle ( ) : string
return string

getLocalizationMode() public method

public getLocalizationMode ( ) : string
return string

getLocalizeChildrenAtParentLocalization() public method

getManyToMany() public method

public getManyToMany ( ) : null | string
return null | string

getMatchFields() public method

public getMatchFields ( ) : array
return array

getOppositeField() public method

public getOppositeField ( ) : string
return string

getSelectedListStyle() public method

public getSelectedListStyle ( ) : string
return string

getShowThumbnails() public method

public getShowThumbnails ( ) : boolean
return boolean

getSymmetricField() public method

public getSymmetricField ( ) : string
return string

getSymmetricLabel() public method

public getSymmetricLabel ( ) : string
return string

getSymmetricSortby() public method

public getSymmetricSortby ( ) : string
return string

getTable() public method

public getTable ( ) : string
return string

prepareConfiguration() public method

public prepareConfiguration ( string $type ) : array
$type string
return array

setCondition() public method

public setCondition ( string $condition ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$condition string
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setDisableMovingChildrenWithParent() public method

public setDisableMovingChildrenWithParent ( boolean $disableMovingChildrenWithParent ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$disableMovingChildrenWithParent boolean
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setEmptyOption() public method

public setEmptyOption ( boolean | string $emptyOption ) : Select
$emptyOption boolean | string
return Select

setFilter() public method

public setFilter ( array $filter ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$filter array
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setForeignDefaultSortby() public method

public setForeignDefaultSortby ( string $foreignDefaultSortby ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$foreignDefaultSortby string
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setForeignField() public method

public setForeignField ( string $foreignField ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$foreignField string
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setForeignLabel() public method

public setForeignLabel ( string $foreignLabel ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$foreignLabel string
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setForeignSelector() public method

public setForeignSelector ( string $foreignSelector ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$foreignSelector string
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setForeignSortby() public method

public setForeignSortby ( string $foreignSortby ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$foreignSortby string
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setForeignTableField() public method

public setForeignTableField ( string $foreignTableField ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$foreignTableField string
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setForeignUnique() public method

public setForeignUnique ( string $foreignUnique ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$foreignUnique string
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setItemListStyle() public method

public setItemListStyle ( string $itemListStyle ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$itemListStyle string
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setLocalizationMode() public method

public setLocalizationMode ( string $localizationMode ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$localizationMode string
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setLocalizeChildrenAtParentLocalization() public method

public setLocalizeChildrenAtParentLocalization ( boolean $localizeChildrenAtParentLocalization ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$localizeChildrenAtParentLocalization boolean
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setManyToMany() public method

public setManyToMany ( null | string $manyToMany ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$manyToMany null | string
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setMatchFields() public method

public setMatchFields ( array $matchFields ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$matchFields array
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setOppositeField() public method

public setOppositeField ( string $oppositeField ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$oppositeField string
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setSelectedListStyle() public method

public setSelectedListStyle ( string $selectedListStyle ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$selectedListStyle string
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setShowThumbnails() public method

public setShowThumbnails ( boolean $showThumbnails ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$showThumbnails boolean
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setSymmetricField() public method

public setSymmetricField ( string $symmetricField ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$symmetricField string
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setSymmetricLabel() public method

public setSymmetricLabel ( string $symmetricLabel ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$symmetricLabel string
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setSymmetricSortby() public method

public setSymmetricSortby ( string $symmetricSortby ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$symmetricSortby string
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

setTable() public method

public setTable ( string $table ) : FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface
$table string
return FluidTYPO3\Flux\Form\RelationFieldInterface

Property Details

$condition protected_oe property

protected string $condition
return string

$disableMovingChildrenWithParent protected_oe property

Disables that child records get moved along with their parent records.
protected bool $disableMovingChildrenWithParent
return boolean

$emptyOption protected_oe property

If not-FALSE, adds one empty option/value pair to the generated selector box and tries to use this property's value (cast to string) as label.
protected bool|string $emptyOption
return boolean | string

$filter protected_oe property

Optional filter - as an array($userFunctionReferenceString, $parameters) - to further condition which records are allowed to be selected in this field.
protected array $filter
return array

$foreignDefaultSortby protected_oe property

If a fieldname for foreign_sortby is defined, then this is ignored. Otherwise this is used as the "ORDER BY" statement to sort the records in the table when listed.
protected string $foreignDefaultSortby
return string

$foreignField protected_oe property

The foreign_field is the field of the child record pointing to the parent record. This defines where to store the uid of the parent record.
protected string $foreignField
return string

$foreignLabel protected_oe property

If set, it overrides the label set in TCA[foreign_table]['ctrl']['label'] for the foreign table view.
protected string $foreignLabel
return string

$foreignSelector protected_oe property

A selector is used to show all possible child records that could be used to create a relation with the parent record. It will be rendered as a multi-select-box. On clicking on an item inside the selector a new relation is created. The foreign_selector points to a field of the foreign_table that is responsible for providing a selector-box – this field on the foreign_table usually has the type "select" and also has a "foreign_table" defined.
protected string $foreignSelector
return string

$foreignSortby protected_oe property

Defines a field on the child record (or on the intermediate table) that stores the manual sorting information.
protected string $foreignSortby
return string

$foreignTableField protected_oe property

The field of the child record pointing to the parent record. This defines where to store the table name of the parent record. On setting this configuration key together with foreign_field, the child record knows what its parent record is – so the child record could also be used on other parent tables.
protected string $foreignTableField
return string

$foreignUnique protected_oe property

Field which must be uniue for all children of a parent record.
protected string $foreignUnique
return string

$localizationMode protected_oe property

Set whether children can be localizable ('select') or just inherit from default language ('keep'). Default is empty, meaning no particular behavior.
protected string $localizationMode
return string

$localizeChildrenAtParentLocalization protected_oe property

Defines whether children should be localized when the localization of the parent gets created.
protected bool $localizeChildrenAtParentLocalization
return boolean

$manyToMany protected_oe property

protected string|NULL $manyToMany
return string | null

$matchFields protected_oe property

When using many-to-many mode you can specify an array of field=>value pairs which must also match in the relation table when the relation is resolved.
protected array $matchFields
return array

$showThumbnails protected_oe property

protected bool $showThumbnails
return boolean

$symmetricField protected_oe property

In case of bidirectional symmetric relations, this defines the field name on the foreign table which contains the UID of this side of the relation.
protected string $symmetricField
return string

$symmetricLabel protected_oe property

If set, this overrides the default label of the selected symmetric table.
protected string $symmetricLabel
return string

$symmetricSortby protected_oe property

This works like foreign_sortby, but defines the field on foreign_table where the "other" sort order is stored (this order is then used only in the reverse symmetric relation).
protected string $symmetricSortby
return string

$table protected_oe property

protected string $table
return string