PHP Class Gajus\Fuss\Request

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Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Gajus\Fuss\Session $session, string $method, string $path, array $query = null )
getMethod ( ) : string
getUrl ( ) : string Get URL that will be used to make the request, including the access token and appsecret_proof.
make ( ) : array
setBody ( array $body ) : null

Private Methods

Method Description
getAppSecretProof ( ) appsecret_proof is used as an additional layer of authentication when making Graph API calls to proof that the access_token has not been stolen.
isPathVersioned ( ) : boolean True if user provided path explicitly names Graph API endpoint version, e.g. /v2.1/me.
setMethod ( string $method ) : null
setPath ( string $path ) : null
setQuery ( array $query ) : null

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Gajus\Fuss\Session $session, string $method, string $path, array $query = null )
$session Gajus\Fuss\Session
$method string GET|POST|DELETE
$path string Path relative to the Graph API.
$query array GET parameters.

getMethod() public method

public getMethod ( ) : string
return string

getUrl() public method

Get URL that will be used to make the request, including the access token and appsecret_proof.
public getUrl ( ) : string
return string

make() public method

public make ( ) : array
return array Graph API response.

setBody() public method

public setBody ( array $body ) : null
$body array
return null