PHP Class Google\Cloud\BigQuery\ValueMapper

Inheritance: use trait Google\Cloud\ArrayTrait
Mostrar archivo Open project: GoogleCloudPlatform/gcloud-php Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( boolean $returnInt64AsObject )
fromBigQuery ( array $value, array $schema ) Maps a value coming from BigQuery to the expected format for use in the library.
toParameter ( mixed $value ) : array Maps a value to the expected parameter format.

Private Methods

Method Description
arrayToParameter ( array $array ) : array
assocArrayToParameter ( array $struct ) : array
objectToParameter ( mixed $object ) : array
recordFromBigQuery ( array $value, array $schema ) : array
repeatedValueFromBigQuery ( array $value, array $schema ) : array

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( boolean $returnInt64AsObject )
$returnInt64AsObject boolean If true, 64 bit integers will be returned as a {@see \Google\Cloud\Int64} object for 32 bit platform compatibility.

fromBigQuery() public method

Maps a value coming from BigQuery to the expected format for use in the library.
public fromBigQuery ( array $value, array $schema )
$value array The value to map.
$schema array The schema describing the value.

toParameter() public method

Maps a value to the expected parameter format.
public toParameter ( mixed $value ) : array
$value mixed The value to map.
return array