PHP Class Neos\Flow\Package\PackageFactory

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Public Methods

Method Description
create ( string $packagesBasePath, string $packagePath, string $packageKey, string $composerName, array $autoloadConfiguration = [], array $packageClassInformation = null ) : Neos\Flow\Package\PackageInterface Returns a package instance.
detectFlowPackageFilePath ( string $packageKey, string $absolutePackagePath ) : array Detects if the package contains a package file and returns the path and classname.

Method Details

create() public method

Returns a package instance.
public create ( string $packagesBasePath, string $packagePath, string $packageKey, string $composerName, array $autoloadConfiguration = [], array $packageClassInformation = null ) : Neos\Flow\Package\PackageInterface
$packagesBasePath string the base install path of packages,
$packagePath string path to package, relative to base path
$packageKey string key / name of the package
$composerName string
$autoloadConfiguration array Autoload configuration as defined in composer.json
$packageClassInformation array
return Neos\Flow\Package\PackageInterface

detectFlowPackageFilePath() public method

Detects if the package contains a package file and returns the path and classname.
public detectFlowPackageFilePath ( string $packageKey, string $absolutePackagePath ) : array
$packageKey string The package key
$absolutePackagePath string Absolute path to the package
return array The path to the package file and classname for this package or an empty array if none was found.