PHP Class OCA\Richdocuments\Genesis

Mostrar archivo Open project: owncloud/richdocuments Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( File $file ) Create new genesis document
getHash ( )
getPath ( )

Protected Methods

Method Description
validate ( OC\Files\View $view, string $path ) Check if genesis is valid

Method Details

__construct() public method

Create new genesis document
public __construct ( File $file )
$file File

getHash() public method

public getHash ( )

getPath() public method

public getPath ( )

validate() protected method

Check if genesis is valid
protected validate ( OC\Files\View $view, string $path )
$view OC\Files\View
$path string relative to the view

Property Details

$hash protected_oe property

protected $hash

$path protected_oe property

protected $path

$view protected_oe property

protected $view