PHP Class OpenSkill\Datatable\Columns\ColumnConfigurationBuilder

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Public Methods

Method Description
build ( ) : OpenSkill\Datatable\Columns\ColumnConfiguration Will create the final ColumnConfiguration
create ( ) : ColumnConfigurationBuilder Will create a new builder for a ColumnConfigurationBuilder.
name ( string $name )
orderable ( OpenSkill\Datatable\Columns\Orderable\Orderable $orderable )
searchable ( Searchable $searchable )
withCallable ( callable $callable )

Private Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ) ColumnConfigurationBuilder constructor.
checkCallable ( ) Will check if the callable is set and is executable, if not a sensible default will be set.
checkName ( ) Will check if the name is empty and throws an exception if that is the case.
checkOrderable ( ) Will check if the orderable flag is correctly set, otherwise it will be set to the default NONE
checkSearchable ( ) Will check if the searchable flag is correctly set, if not it will be set to the default NONE

Method Details

build() public method

Will create the final ColumnConfiguration
public build ( ) : OpenSkill\Datatable\Columns\ColumnConfiguration
return OpenSkill\Datatable\Columns\ColumnConfiguration

create() public static method

Will create a new builder for a ColumnConfigurationBuilder.
public static create ( ) : ColumnConfigurationBuilder
return ColumnConfigurationBuilder

name() public method

public name ( string $name )
$name string

orderable() public method

public orderable ( OpenSkill\Datatable\Columns\Orderable\Orderable $orderable )
$orderable OpenSkill\Datatable\Columns\Orderable\Orderable

searchable() public method

public searchable ( Searchable $searchable )
$searchable OpenSkill\Datatable\Columns\Searchable\Searchable

withCallable() public method

public withCallable ( callable $callable )
$callable callable