PHP Class PayPal\Api\TemplateSettings

Settings per template
Inheritance: extends PayPal\Common\PayPalModel
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Public Methods

Method Description
getDisplayPreference ( ) : TemplateSettingsMetadata Settings metadata for each field.
getFieldName ( ) : string The field name (for any field in template_data) for which the corresponding display preferences will be mapped to.
setDisplayPreference ( TemplateSettingsMetadata $display_preference ) Settings metadata for each field.
setFieldName ( string $field_name ) The field name (for any field in template_data) for which the corresponding display preferences will be mapped to.

Method Details

getDisplayPreference() public method

Settings metadata for each field.
public getDisplayPreference ( ) : TemplateSettingsMetadata
return TemplateSettingsMetadata

getFieldName() public method

The field name (for any field in template_data) for which the corresponding display preferences will be mapped to.
public getFieldName ( ) : string
return string

setDisplayPreference() public method

Settings metadata for each field.
public setDisplayPreference ( TemplateSettingsMetadata $display_preference )
$display_preference TemplateSettingsMetadata

setFieldName() public method

The field name (for any field in template_data) for which the corresponding display preferences will be mapped to.
public setFieldName ( string $field_name )
$field_name string