PHP Class PhpDeal\Aspect\AbstractContractAspect

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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$reader Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader $reader )

Protected Methods

Method Description
ensureContracts ( Go\Aop\Intercept\MethodInvocation $invocation, array $contracts, object | string $instance, string $scope, array $args ) Performs verification of contracts for given invocation
fetchMethodArguments ( Go\Aop\Intercept\MethodInvocation $invocation ) : array Returns an associative list of arguments for the method invocation

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader $reader )
$reader Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader Annotation reader

ensureContracts() protected method

Performs verification of contracts for given invocation
protected ensureContracts ( Go\Aop\Intercept\MethodInvocation $invocation, array $contracts, object | string $instance, string $scope, array $args )
$invocation Go\Aop\Intercept\MethodInvocation Current invocation
$contracts array Contract annotation
$instance object | string Invocation instance or string for static class
$scope string Scope of method
$args array List of arguments for the method

fetchMethodArguments() protected method

Returns an associative list of arguments for the method invocation
protected fetchMethodArguments ( Go\Aop\Intercept\MethodInvocation $invocation ) : array
$invocation Go\Aop\Intercept\MethodInvocation
return array

Property Details

$reader protected_oe property

protected Reader,Doctrine\Common\Annotations $reader
return Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader