PHP Class PHPSA\Definition\ClassMethod

Inheritance: extends AbstractDefinition
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$possibleReturnValues array Array of possible return values
$returnType integer Return type
$statement PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod
$type integer ..)

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $name, ClassMethod $statement, integer $type )
addNewType ( integer $newType )
addReturnPossibleValue ( $value )
compile ( Context $context ) : boolean | null
getModifier ( ) : integer
getParams ( ) : Param[]
getPossibleReturnValues ( ) : array
getReturnType ( ) : integer
isAbstract ( ) : boolean
isPrivate ( ) : boolean
isProtected ( ) : boolean
isPublic ( ) : boolean
isStatic ( ) : boolean
run ( Context $context, array $args = null ) : CompiledExpression
setModifier ( integer $type )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( string $name, ClassMethod $statement, integer $type )
$name string
$statement PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod
$type integer

addNewType() public method

public addNewType ( integer $newType )
$newType integer

addReturnPossibleValue() public method

public addReturnPossibleValue ( $value )

compile() public method

public compile ( Context $context ) : boolean | null
$context PHPSA\Context
return boolean | null

getModifier() public method

public getModifier ( ) : integer
return integer

getParams() public method

public getParams ( ) : Param[]
return PhpParser\Node\Param[]

getPossibleReturnValues() public method

public getPossibleReturnValues ( ) : array
return array

getReturnType() public method

public getReturnType ( ) : integer
return integer

isAbstract() public method

public isAbstract ( ) : boolean
return boolean

isPrivate() public method

public isPrivate ( ) : boolean
return boolean

isProtected() public method

public isProtected ( ) : boolean
return boolean

isPublic() public method

public isPublic ( ) : boolean
return boolean

isStatic() public method

public isStatic ( ) : boolean
return boolean

run() public method

public run ( Context $context, array $args = null ) : CompiledExpression
$context PHPSA\Context
$args array
return PHPSA\CompiledExpression

setModifier() public method

public setModifier ( integer $type )
$type integer

Property Details

$possibleReturnValues protected_oe property

Array of possible return values
protected array $possibleReturnValues
return array

$returnType protected_oe property

Return type
protected int $returnType
return integer

$statement protected_oe property

protected ClassMethod,PhpParser\Node\Stmt $statement
return PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod

$type protected_oe property

protected int $type
return integer