PHP Class Piwik\Plugins\Provider\Provider

Inheritance: extends Piwik\Plugin
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Public Methods

Method Description
extendVisitorDetails ( &$visitor, $details )
footerUserCountry ( &$out )
getCleanHostname ( string $hostname ) : string Returns the hostname extension ( in given the full hostname looked up from the IP
install ( )
postLoad ( )
registerEvents ( )
uninstall ( )

Method Details

extendVisitorDetails() public method

public extendVisitorDetails ( &$visitor, $details )

footerUserCountry() public static method

public static footerUserCountry ( &$out )

getCleanHostname() public static method

Returns the hostname extension ( in given the full hostname looked up from the IP
public static getCleanHostname ( string $hostname ) : string
$hostname string
return string

install() public method

public install ( )

postLoad() public method

public postLoad ( )

registerEvents() public method

See also: Piwik\Plugin::registerEvents
public registerEvents ( )

uninstall() public method

public uninstall ( )