PHP Class SimpleSoftwareIO\SMS\Drivers\MozeoSMS

Inheritance: extends AbstractSMS, implements SimpleSoftwareIO\SMS\Drivers\DriverInterface
Mostrar archivo Open project: simplesoftwareio/simple-sms Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$apiBase string The API's URL.
$client GuzzleHttp\Client The Guzzle HTTP Client.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Client $client ) Constructs the MozeoSMS Instance.
send ( OutgoingMessage $message ) Sends a SMS message.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Constructs the MozeoSMS Instance.
public __construct ( Client $client )
$client GuzzleHttp\Client The guzzle client

send() public method

Sends a SMS message.
public send ( OutgoingMessage $message )
$message SimpleSoftwareIO\SMS\OutgoingMessage

Property Details

$apiBase protected_oe property

The API's URL.
protected string $apiBase
return string

$client protected_oe property

The Guzzle HTTP Client.
protected Client,GuzzleHttp $client
return GuzzleHttp\Client