PHP Class Stripe\Stripe

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$accountId @var string|null The account ID for connected accounts requests.
$apiBase @var string The base URL for the Stripe API.
$apiKey @var string The Stripe API key to be used for requests.
$apiUploadBase @var string The base URL for the Stripe API uploads endpoint.
$apiVersion @var string|null The version of the Stripe API to use for requests.
$appInfo @var array The application's information (name, version, URL)
$verifySslCerts @var boolean Defaults to true.

Public Methods

Method Description
getAccountId ( ) : string | null
getApiKey ( ) : string
getApiVersion ( ) : string
getAppInfo ( ) : array | null
getVerifySslCerts ( ) : boolean
setAccountId ( string $accountId )
setApiKey ( string $apiKey ) Sets the API key to be used for requests.
setApiVersion ( string $apiVersion )
setAppInfo ( string $appName, string $appVersion = null, string $appUrl = null )
setVerifySslCerts ( boolean $verify )

Method Details

getAccountId() public static method

public static getAccountId ( ) : string | null
return string | null | null The Stripe account ID for connected account requests.

getApiKey() public static method

public static getApiKey ( ) : string
return string The API key used for requests.

getApiVersion() public static method

public static getApiVersion ( ) : string
return string The API version used for requests. null if we're using the latest version.

getAppInfo() public static method

public static getAppInfo ( ) : array | null
return array | null | null The application's information

getVerifySslCerts() public static method

public static getVerifySslCerts ( ) : boolean
return boolean

setAccountId() public static method

public static setAccountId ( string $accountId )
$accountId string The Stripe account ID to set for connected account requests.

setApiKey() public static method

Sets the API key to be used for requests.
public static setApiKey ( string $apiKey )
$apiKey string

setApiVersion() public static method

public static setApiVersion ( string $apiVersion )
$apiVersion string The API version to use for requests.

setAppInfo() public static method

public static setAppInfo ( string $appName, string $appVersion = null, string $appUrl = null )
$appName string The application's name
$appVersion string The application's version
$appUrl string The application's URL

setVerifySslCerts() public static method

public static setVerifySslCerts ( boolean $verify )
$verify boolean

Property Details

$accountId public_oe static_oe property

@var string|null The account ID for connected accounts requests.
public static $accountId

$apiBase public_oe static_oe property

@var string The base URL for the Stripe API.
public static $apiBase

$apiKey public_oe static_oe property

@var string The Stripe API key to be used for requests.
public static $apiKey

$apiUploadBase public_oe static_oe property

@var string The base URL for the Stripe API uploads endpoint.
public static $apiUploadBase

$apiVersion public_oe static_oe property

@var string|null The version of the Stripe API to use for requests.
public static $apiVersion

$appInfo public_oe static_oe property

@var array The application's information (name, version, URL)
public static $appInfo

$verifySslCerts public_oe static_oe property

@var boolean Defaults to true.
public static $verifySslCerts