PHP Class Swiftriver\Core\Workflows\WorkflowBase

Mostrar archivo Open project: ushahidi/Swiftriver-2011

Public Methods

Method Description
CheckKey ( string $key ) : boolean Checks to see if the API key provided matches the configured API Keys for this Core install

Protected Methods

Method Description
FormatErrorMessage ( string $error ) : string Returns the given error in standard JSON format
FormatMessage ( string $message ) : string Returns the given message in standard JSON format
FormatReturn ( $json )

Method Details

CheckKey() public method

Checks to see if the API key provided matches the configured API Keys for this Core install
public CheckKey ( string $key ) : boolean
$key string
return boolean

FormatErrorMessage() protected method

Returns the given error in standard JSON format
protected FormatErrorMessage ( string $error ) : string
$error string
return string

FormatMessage() protected method

Returns the given message in standard JSON format
protected FormatMessage ( string $message ) : string
$message string
return string

FormatReturn() protected method

protected FormatReturn ( $json )