PHP Class Webiny\Component\Mailer\Bridge\Loader

Inheritance: use trait Webiny\Component\StdLib\FactoryLoaderTrait, use trait Webiny\Component\StdLib\StdLibTrait
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Public Methods

Method Description
getMessage ( $mailer, ConfigObject $config = null ) : Webiny\Component\Mailer\MessageInterface Returns an instance of MessageInterface based on current bridge.
getTransport ( string $mailer ) : Webiny\Component\Mailer\TransportInterface Returns an instance of TransportInterface based on current bridge.
setLibrary ( string $pathToClass ) Change the default library used for the driver.

Protected Methods

Method Description
getLibrary ( string $mailer ) : string Get the name of bridge library which will be used as the driver.

Method Details

getLibrary() protected static method

Get the name of bridge library which will be used as the driver.
protected static getLibrary ( string $mailer ) : string
$mailer string
return string

getMessage() public static method

Returns an instance of MessageInterface based on current bridge.
public static getMessage ( $mailer, ConfigObject $config = null ) : Webiny\Component\Mailer\MessageInterface
$config Webiny\Component\Config\ConfigObject
return Webiny\Component\Mailer\MessageInterface

getTransport() public static method

Returns an instance of TransportInterface based on current bridge.
public static getTransport ( string $mailer ) : Webiny\Component\Mailer\TransportInterface
$mailer string
return Webiny\Component\Mailer\TransportInterface

setLibrary() public static method

Change the default library used for the driver.
public static setLibrary ( string $pathToClass )
$pathToClass string Path to the new driver class. Must be an instance of \Webiny\Component\Mailer\Bridge\MailerInterface