PHP Class Yosymfony\Spress\Core\ContentManager\Renderizer\Exception\RenderException

Author: Victor Puertas ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends RuntimeException
Mostrar archivo Open project: spress/spress

Protected Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $message, string $id = null, Exception $previous = null ) Constructor.
getId ( ) : string Gets the identifier where the exception was created.
setId ( string $id ) Sets the identifier where the exception was created.

Private Methods

Method Description
updateRepr ( )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( string $message, string $id = null, Exception $previous = null )
$message string The exception message
$id string The identifier of the content where the exception was created
$previous Exception The previous exception

getId() public method

Gets the identifier where the exception was created.
public getId ( ) : string
return string

setId() public method

Sets the identifier where the exception was created.
public setId ( string $id )
$id string The identifier of the content

Property Details

$id protected_oe property

protected $id

$rawMessage protected_oe property

protected $rawMessage