PHP Class Zendesk\API\Resources\Core\OrganizationMemberships

Inheritance: extends Zendesk\API\Resources\ResourceAbstract, use trait Zendesk\API\Traits\Utility\InstantiatorTrait, use trait Zendesk\API\Traits\Resource\Defaults, use trait Zendesk\API\Traits\Resource\CreateMany, use trait Zendesk\API\Traits\Resource\DeleteMany
Mostrar archivo Open project: zendesk/zendesk_api_client_php

Public Methods

Method Description
getRoute ( $name, array $params = [] ) : mixed Returns a route and replaces tokenized parts of the string with the passed params
makeDefault ( array $params = [] ) : stdClass Sets the default organization membership of a given user.

Protected Methods

Method Description
setUpRoutes ( )

Method Details

getRoute() public method

Returns a route and replaces tokenized parts of the string with the passed params
public getRoute ( $name, array $params = [] ) : mixed
$params array
return mixed The default routes, or if $name is set to `findAll`, any of the following formats based on the parent chain GET /api/v2/groups.json GET /api/v2/users/{user_id}/groups.json

makeDefault() public method

Sets the default organization membership of a given user.
public makeDefault ( array $params = [] ) : stdClass
$params array
return stdClass | null

setUpRoutes() protected method

protected setUpRoutes ( )