PHP Interface Horde_Itip_Response_Options, horde

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Mostrar archivo Open project: horde/horde Interface Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
getCharacterSet ( ) : string Get the character set for the response mime parts.
getProductId ( ) : string Get the product ID of the iCalendar object embedded in the MIME response.
prepareIcalendar ( Horde_Icalendar $ical ) : null Prepare the iCalendar part of the response object.
prepareIcsMimePart ( Horde_Mime_Part $ics ) : null Prepare the iCalendar MIME part of the response message.
prepareMessageMimePart ( Horde_Mime_Part $message ) : null Prepare the message MIME part of the response.
prepareResponseMimeHeaders ( Horde_Mime_Headers $headers ) : null Prepare the iCalendar MIME part of the response message.

Method Details

getCharacterSet() public method

Get the character set for the response mime parts.
public getCharacterSet ( ) : string
return string The character set.

getProductId() public method

Get the product ID of the iCalendar object embedded in the MIME response.
public getProductId ( ) : string
return string The product ID.

prepareIcalendar() public method

Prepare the iCalendar part of the response object.
public prepareIcalendar ( Horde_Icalendar $ical ) : null
$ical Horde_Icalendar The iCalendar response object.
return null

prepareIcsMimePart() public method

Prepare the iCalendar MIME part of the response message.
public prepareIcsMimePart ( Horde_Mime_Part $ics ) : null
$ics Horde_Mime_Part The iCalendar MIME part of the response message.
return null

prepareMessageMimePart() public method

Prepare the message MIME part of the response.
public prepareMessageMimePart ( Horde_Mime_Part $message ) : null
$message Horde_Mime_Part The message MIME part of the response.
return null

prepareResponseMimeHeaders() public method

Prepare the iCalendar MIME part of the response message.
public prepareResponseMimeHeaders ( Horde_Mime_Headers $headers ) : null
$headers Horde_Mime_Headers
return null