PHP Interface Minify_SourceInterface, minify

This allows per-source minification options and the mixing of files with content from other sources.
Mostrar archivo Open project: mrclay/minify

Public Methods

Method Description
getContent ( ) : string Get content
getContentType ( ) : string | null Get the content type
getFilePath ( ) : string | null Get the path of the file that this source is based on (may be null)
getId ( ) : string Get id
getLastModified ( ) : integer Get last modified timestamp
getMinifier ( ) : callable | null Get the minifier
getMinifierOptions ( ) : array Get options for the minifier
setMinifier ( callable $minifier = null ) : void Set the minifier
setMinifierOptions ( array $options ) : void Set options for the minifier

Method Details

getContent() public method

Get content
public getContent ( ) : string
return string

getContentType() public method

Get the content type
public getContentType ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getFilePath() public method

Get the path of the file that this source is based on (may be null)
public getFilePath ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getId() public method

Get id
public getId ( ) : string
return string

getLastModified() public method

Get last modified timestamp
public getLastModified ( ) : integer
return integer

getMinifier() public method

Get the minifier
public getMinifier ( ) : callable | null
return callable | null

getMinifierOptions() public method

Get options for the minifier
public getMinifierOptions ( ) : array
return array

setMinifier() public method

Set the minifier
public setMinifier ( callable $minifier = null ) : void
$minifier callable
return void

setMinifierOptions() public method

Set options for the minifier
public setMinifierOptions ( array $options ) : void
$options array
return void