PHP Interface DataSift\Storyplayer\OsLib\SupportedOs

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Public Methods

Method Description
determineHostname ( HostDetails $hostDetails, DataSift\Storyplayer\HostLib\SupportedHost $vm ) : string
determineIpAddress ( HostDetails $hostDetails, DataSift\Storyplayer\HostLib\SupportedHost $vm ) : string
downloadFile ( HostDetails $hostDetails, string $sourceFilename, string $destFilename ) : void download a file from a (possibly) remote host to wherever Storyplayer is running
getFileDetails ( HostDetails $hostDetails, string $filename ) : stdClass get details about a filesystem entry
getInstalledPackageDetails ( HostDetails $hostDetails, string $packageName ) : stdClass
getPid ( HostDetails $hostDetails, string $processName ) : integer
getProcessIsRunning ( HostDetails $hostDetails, string $processName ) : boolean
runCommand ( HostDetails $hostDetails, string $command ) : CommandResult
uploadFile ( HostDetails $hostDetails, string $sourceFilename, string $destFilename ) : void upload a file from wherever Storyplayer is running to the (possibly) remote host

Method Details

determineHostname() public method

public determineHostname ( HostDetails $hostDetails, DataSift\Storyplayer\HostLib\SupportedHost $vm ) : string
$hostDetails HostDetails
$vm DataSift\Storyplayer\HostLib\SupportedHost
return string

determineIpAddress() public method

public determineIpAddress ( HostDetails $hostDetails, DataSift\Storyplayer\HostLib\SupportedHost $vm ) : string
$hostDetails HostDetails
$vm DataSift\Storyplayer\HostLib\SupportedHost
return string

downloadFile() public method

download a file from a (possibly) remote host to wherever Storyplayer is running
public downloadFile ( HostDetails $hostDetails, string $sourceFilename, string $destFilename ) : void
$hostDetails HostDetails the details of the host to upload to
$sourceFilename string path to the file to download
$destFilename string path to download the file to
return void

getFileDetails() public method

get details about a filesystem entry
public getFileDetails ( HostDetails $hostDetails, string $filename ) : stdClass
$hostDetails HostDetails the details of the host to query
$filename string path to the file/folder to query
return stdClass

getInstalledPackageDetails() public method

public getInstalledPackageDetails ( HostDetails $hostDetails, string $packageName ) : stdClass
$hostDetails HostDetails
$packageName string
return stdClass

getPid() public method

public getPid ( HostDetails $hostDetails, string $processName ) : integer
$hostDetails HostDetails
$processName string
return integer

getProcessIsRunning() public method

public getProcessIsRunning ( HostDetails $hostDetails, string $processName ) : boolean
$hostDetails HostDetails
$processName string
return boolean

runCommand() public method

public runCommand ( HostDetails $hostDetails, string $command ) : CommandResult
$hostDetails HostDetails
$command string
return DataSift\Storyplayer\CommandLib\CommandResult

uploadFile() public method

upload a file from wherever Storyplayer is running to the (possibly) remote host
public uploadFile ( HostDetails $hostDetails, string $sourceFilename, string $destFilename ) : void
$hostDetails HostDetails the details of the host to upload to
$sourceFilename string path to the file to upload
$destFilename string path to upload the file to
return void