PHP Interface PayWithAmazon\IpnHandlerInterface

Mostrar archivo Open project: amzn/login-and-pay-with-amazon-sdk-php

Public Methods

Method Description
returnMessage ( ) * returnMessage() - JSON decode the raw [Message] portion of the IPN
toArray ( ) * toArray() - Converts IPN [Message] field to associative array
toJson ( ) * toJson() - Converts IPN [Message] field to JSON

Method Details

returnMessage() public method

* returnMessage() - JSON decode the raw [Message] portion of the IPN
public returnMessage ( )

toArray() public method

* toArray() - Converts IPN [Message] field to associative array
public toArray ( )

toJson() public method

Has child elements ['NotificationData'] [XML] - API call XML notification data
public toJson ( )