PHP Interface Sulu\Component\Content\Import\WebspaceFormatImportInterface

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Public Methods

Method Description
getProperty ( string $name, array $data, string $contentTypeName = null, string $extension = null, mixed $default = null ) : mixed Will return the correct property value by the parsed data.
getPropertyData ( string $name, array $data, string $contentTypeName = null, string $extension = null, mixed $default = null ) : mixed Will return the correct property value by the parsed data.
parse ( string $filePath, string $locale ) : array Will parse the given file and return a documents array.

Method Details

getProperty() public method

Will return the correct property value by the parsed data.
public getProperty ( string $name, array $data, string $contentTypeName = null, string $extension = null, mixed $default = null ) : mixed
$name string
$data array
$contentTypeName string
$extension string
$default mixed
return mixed

getPropertyData() public method

Will return the correct property value by the parsed data.
public getPropertyData ( string $name, array $data, string $contentTypeName = null, string $extension = null, mixed $default = null ) : mixed
$name string
$data array
$contentTypeName string
$extension string
$default mixed
return mixed

parse() public method

Will parse the given file and return a documents array.
public parse ( string $filePath, string $locale ) : array
$filePath string
$locale string
return array