Name |
Description |
DeviseException |
Class DeviseException should be the base class exception
for any exception thrown inside of Devise. This way we can
catch those specifically if we want and know that they are
different from just regular exceptions. |
DeviseHttpException |
Class DeviseHttpException should be the base class exception
for any exception thrown inside of Devise. This way we can
catch those specifically if we want and know that they are
different from just regular exceptions. |
DevisePaginator |
DeviseResponse |
Class DeviseResponse for some reason Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response
is not an actual facade but a real class. So we can't use getFacadeAccessor
on it. Instead we write a proxy class called DeviseResponse which simply
calls static methods on Response object. |
DeviseSeeder |
DeviseValidationException |
This validation exception is thrown
when ever there are validation errors
somewhere. It is used in the Manager class
to assert fields are valid. |
Framework |
Class Framework wraps important components that we
use from Laravel's framework. Components like Config,
Validator, Request, Response. |
Str |
SupportServiceProvider |
Class SupportServiceProvider registers support components of
Devise and other helpers that Devise uses. |